191 Reviews liked by smhomg

On paper it seems like it'd be interesting and unique but in practice it's neverending, pointless combat that isn't fun to begin with.

the time-freeze thing is the type of mechanic thats kinda cool for a bit, but not for 3hrs. plays kinda like a puzzle game, but it stays static w/o ever getting interesting. you can get the gist from a 15min lets play.

if you get into this game it sucks out hours from you, I've played 100s of hours of this game and i cant even say i really like it that much
must try if you like first person shooters but it can be kinda frustrating sometimes

Today's my birthday. A victory would be nice.

i wish kamiya would play this game so he knows what fun games look like

This game turned all of my friends into bonjangling idiots please someone help them

Gameplay: Persona 1
Characters: Persona 2
Soundtrack: Persona 3
Story: Persona 4
Aesthetics: Persona 5

at least its more effective than melatonin