Stop posting about ace combat

nothing ends but i loved the banter

mid game for mid yt shillers


small game, jank controls, cool death dance

one of the best depictions of obsession in gameland

I like what they did to max but actually playing the game puts me to sleep

You are too powerful and that's whats fun about trepang. It's all about the feeling and that's fine

I don't care I spent summers on this jank pos

the most unexciting shooter mechanics you can think of, enemies either rush or shoot at regular intervals, there's no actual need to move and change guns to answer some enemy type once you get the lancer unless the game asks you to pick up something else to progress at some points, the bosses suck. incredible

this could've been one of the most fun shooters around where encounters have this 1vs1 arena focus quake dance instead of crowd control stuff. If you are as bored as I am of single player stuff where enemies are not very fast, here in unreal both your avatar and some enemies move at similar speeds and are pretty dodge happy (to the point it's not very good) just like in online fps.
Shame then you still walk a ton and get lost, guns feel weak from how spongy enemies are, movement is jank, there's not much room for enemies to do cool shit. The weaponry is supposed to give a larger system of tactical possibilities but it doesn't amount to much. Might have a better experience playing with the Evolution mod but still to this day vanilla unreal is the most unique boomer fps out of all. Maybe play uts instead of the usual recs