on the last turn of my second match I made a band called "Hard Bizkit" perform in india while doing a bombing run on a city before the cities government said 'peace?' and I clicked refuse deal and screamed war really loud as the victory screen popped up

Its a good game especially for how early in development it is but you are investing in its future not its current state

I love a sci-fi universe that is built from the ground up to be stupid, also TOBACCO!

finished this in one night at 6am, i should've taken acid beforehand... good thing they have new game plus!!!!!!!!!

You know your choices matter when you feel bad about cucking your friend. tr14ngles fur r33l r33l

A really good halo companion that tried something different and was better off for it. If you want halo multiplayer go play the MCC :/

It meshes survival games like don’t starve with roguelites similar to cult of the lamb with a fun premise that makes me want to play it even more

probably the best game about cars slapping balls, and I’ve played Sonic!

i love not playing the video game im playing

far too good for an EA game I wish it had more stuff

i dont play driving games but this was aight