Anniversary Edition
~100 mods (fixes, textures, basic new functionalities, all lore-friendly)

Even 12 years after it's release, it is still an amazing game. It's amazing how every NPC seems to actually have a routine, specially when compared to Starfield.

Really a special game.

The setting and world of the game are great, but lacks enemy variety and a standalone story (you have to play AC Valhalla before playing this to understand the ending).

The most unique experience I've ever had with a videogame.

Most of the reviews criticize this game for "stealing assets" or "shamefully copying Pokémon", but I always think there is space for a real competitor for Pokémon.
The huge success this game reached shows us that there is a large group of people hungry for a good Pokémon game, a thing that Game Freak fails to do so.
However, taking out the novelty of this game, what remains is a generic sandbox game that sums up the Four Horseman of Gaming Apocalypse: Early Access, Crafting, Open World and Survival.
The game is a boring grindfest that requires that you farm resources more than 50% of your time in the game. Player animation and movement is awkward and ugly, the "boss battles" consist on only shooting a bullet sponge until it's dead, and upgrading your base is incredibly boring.
This is the perfect example that a great idea for a game, at the right time, carries the popularity of it,

Last boss rush sequence is pretty annoying.

It is fun, but the constant menu navigation is painfull. Hoping for expansion to be set in a single city/region, and also having more missions of large scale space battles.
Ship building is fun.

Really liked the first playthrough, but I can't stomach to level up a character to level 100. Too much grind, intentionally made up by the devs to make players shove uncountable hours in the game.

So far, it has less features than KSP1, runs with low FPS, and has a glitch in every rocket launch.