12 reviews liked by soberhans

This review was written before the game released

if you're looking for daigo, he is on the RUFF



Wanna waste your time? Play OSU!, you will regret it.

Game is fantastic until a gamebreaking bug bricks your save file 40 hours in

I hated it and loved it at the same time. It's a good game except it sucks

Arguably the best entry in the Yakuza series

This review contains spoilers

I honestly like it but at times it was rather cheesy, I wish more was done with Ryuji more than just dying in the last few minutes of the game after all this build up. I also think it was kinda wild that like cop woman found out Ryuji was her brother as he fucking died and then......she ends up making out with Kiryu right next to her recently deceased brother's corpse....like huh????? That's not something that most people would do???? I would be like "this guy that I just found out is my brother just DIED right in front of me WHAT THE FUCK???" and not "oh wow thas crazy begins to heavily make out with Kiryu next to brother's corpse". Still though it was a pretty okay game......despite the parts that made me cringe....

This game's entire gameplay system was built off an April fools' joke and I am positive there is nothing that screams peak Yakuza more than that