I avoided this for nine fucking years because they did hayter dirty. mad respect to kiefer sutherland but god I can't stand his snake. the story sucks.
but holy fuck that gameplay loop

So I bought this game with my monthly allowance (from my dad) FOR my dad (who smokes) (and hates video games) (and was very angry with me for buying a video game with his money) I played the whole thing at the age of like 8 thinking that with the knowledge this game could give me I could somehow convince my dad to stop smoking. 12 years later and nothing has changed. I even developed a nicotine addiction myself. It's your fucking fault Allen Carr

"no one played this game on 3ds" I DID!!!! and it was terrible as someone who played the original ps2 version. RIP snake vs monkey

greatest game of all time we can stop making more now

what the hell was the thought process behind this

now this is what I call good video game

My white foster parents really liked this game

If you want a good example of an excellent animated movie, Chicken Little is a perfect example of it. This film ended up being so heartfelt and filled with subtle pop culture references that it easily earns it's title of Disney's best animated movie to date.

you cannot convince me that this game wasn't made solely as a fuck you to kojima

by completed I mean I 100%'d it back in 2012