Looks like God didn't make it.

I kept screaming "I'm out of bullets," but nobody came to help.

Nankidai is a genius when it comes to writing characters. I can't seem to hate any of them or think of anyone as less relevant, even the ones that die early. They are written to leave important things behind that serve as a reminder for the surviving cast, which I think is a great achievement among authors who make the attempt to include multiple characters in the same setting.

Your Turn To Die is in general, a great visual novel despite being unfinished. Though I can't exactly blame him for it because it's a one person project, I wish the small details made a little more sense as in I'm afraid they're so irrelevant to the point the story has gotten to they might never get an explanation.

No other game will give me the same goosebumps I got from the Naruto VS Sasuke fight every time I replayed this as a kid.

My sister got mad at me for constantly using the pan flute on her.

Luka Luka Night Fever...!

A pretty short game that lacks a solid narrative. I should've seen it coming as it describes itself as a tycoon themed RPG, but I would've liked to see more depth in the characters. They're interesting but incomplete in motive.