Just finished. Wow. It still retains the distinct RE4 identity while improving so much, especially Ashley's character. Leon and Ashley's relationship is so memorable and realistic now, and Krauser is so much more interesting and his fight was amazing. The stakes are so much more present and it actually feels so tense at points. The expansions that are made to existing areas are all very worthwhile and amazing, especially in the castle, and the visuals are beautiful. There was clearly so much passion put into this remake, and it's been a long time since a game has enthralled me this much. This is the only Resident Evil game I've played that I've felt truly stuck the landing in the final act. It's as close to flawless as it gets.

I have fond memories of this little demo. The setting in a small town was actually really unique and memorable, and the vibes were great. Little slot machines tease the full game and you can go to the Hardware store, grab a chainsaw, and fuck shit up. It develops the relationship between Chuck and Katie in a way which improves the base game, but besides that it doesn't branch well into DR2 base game imo.

wowwww this was stinky
ewwww stinky

I played this a few months after Silent Hill 2.
I don't think that it's as narratively strong as SH2 or nearly as scary as SH2, but this game nails the atmosphere and music so well. The CG cutscenes are so cute, too.

I'm replaying Absolution currently and this game is basically Absolution but a lot better. Sadly, some of the linearity of Absolution seeps in, which leads to a decreased replay value compared to maps from HITMAN 1 or 2. The graphics are vastly better than the other two World of Assassination trilogy games; It's genuinely stunning at times. Two out of six of the missions have no mission stories and one of those is not stealth-based. The amount of mission stories per mission has been reduced from 5 in the past two games to a consistent 3. Props on this game though for making me give a shit about the story.

This is the best Dead Rising game and one of the best zombie games out there. The addition of a combo weapon system is a huge improvement from the first Dead Rising and combat is both more fun and more balanced than the first one.
The game's only major flaw is the writing in the story. It's a step down from the first Dead Rising, but that is made up for by the goofy nature of it all.
The game has multiple endings and limited time, which greatly increases replayability. You cannot do everything in just one playthrough.

It's a worthwhile experience, but falls short compared to its sequel, Dead Rising 2. The lack of a combo weapon system and horrible, dated balancing hurt this game, despite having a superior story to the second Dead Rising.

I see the President has equipped his daughter with...ballistics...

I've never seen as beautiful an ending. The way that the themes are presented through the gameplay is masterful. While the combat is dated, the puzzles were overall very good and the story/characters were amazing. I almost cried.

have like 150 hours in this prob. good game

I am not the target audience at all but it was enjoyable for a short time

super fun and a shitload of content

Go tell Aunt Rhody that this game slaps