this game is infinitely better cause its ACTUALLY a playable shooter. Also Minervas Den is a goated dlc

this game is so cool when you dont got a prick in your ear telling you its not

the charm oozing out of this game is unreal

beethovens 5th symphony for 7 year olds

all the people who play this with your partner swap phones they're cheating on you

I mean Im always down to kill a nazi but it gets repetitive


this game won like every indie award at the game awards for no damn reason its so boring

kids, dont take yourself too seriously. Otherwise you become bioshock infinite. And nobody wants that


I bought this game from walmart with my mom. I love my mom

this game is super fun when you run around with a shotgun and c4

this game is only fun to watch pros play

i want brutalmoose to kiss me on my open mouth

a horror game but the horror is how annoying and insufferable the community is

community is more entertaining than the game ngl