glitchy and laggy, yet still a million times better than the sims 4 could ever be

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i genuinely don't think supermassive games will ever put out anything better than until dawn

but i have to say i really don't rock with the native american cultural appropriation, especially regarding the monsters. i feel like ppl don't talk about it and acknowledge it nearly enough

the first one has a better story but playing a big daddy in this is so fun.

plus this actually has black ppl in it instead of just a random hand in an ending cutscene lmao

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best twist in video game history

burial at sea WISHES it could be this good

on first playthrough feels somewhat fun to play, with a lingering sense of not really feeling like bioshock.

it tries to trick you into thinking that it's the best game ever made. then you stop and realize the messy story; the weird attempt at a portrayal of racism that just loops back around to being racist itself; and the terrible characterization and treatment of elizabeth.

if ken levine has no haters then i am dead

the only good thing going on here is that its set in rapture, and you get to see the city at its peak

the gameplay here is actually fun and i like that you get to play as elizabeth. the story and retcons are absolutely awful, actively damaging the strength of the story in bioshock1. i will never consider this canon at all

every time someone says its better than until dawn i am filled with a violent rage

but i do actually like it tho. dylan lenivy and emma mountebank world domination

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the only thing i dislike is the checkpoint system for combat, but maybe that's just a skill issue on my part.

nate fumbled the elena bag so hard. she should actually date me instead🙏

when i first got my playstation 4 and played this, i played it on hard mode and absolutely hated it. thought it was way too difficult and stopped playing after literally like a single level.

then, an entire year after, i decided to try it again. and i had to wonder how bad i was at video games when i first played, bcs it srsly was nowhere near as hard as i originally thought it was.

(rating based on the campaign. i played exactly none of the multiplayer.)

farah karim u will always be famous

when i bought this, i accidentally bought it from australia, and had to make an australian PS account to download the campaign đź’€

(rating based on the campaign. i played exactly none of the multiplayer.)

if you dont think that soap & ghost are gay and in love youre lying to yourself