4 reviews liked by spiriter_kalas

I think often about how this game takes place over like a day and half. usually when i hit the gym i can handle like an hour or so of lifting, and then im spent for the day. i think after the del lago fight if i was leon i'd throw up and try to walk back home

I like it when a game doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't. FE11 is about as uncomplicated as Fire Emblem gets, and in this case that's a very good thing, as it serves as a much-needed modernization to FE1 without adding a bunch of fancy stuff on top of it which would've taken away from what the original Fire Emblem is. Most of the units have no depth to them, and the story is straightforward, but that's okay because at no point is this game trying to sell me on being a grandiose adventure of deep lore: it's just good solid fun from start to end. The new reclass system in this game is great and adds loads of replayability. Minus half a star for the most ridiculous gaiden requirements this series has ever seen and locking content behind the now-defunct online shop. Still, a phenomenal entry in the series, one of my favorites in it.

Why am I driving semis around Europe? I could be playing real games!

wait why is there a semi pulling up outside my hou