A deep combat system that's hard to get into and that the game actively punishes for not using. I want to love Nioh 2, but I don't. At least it has a character creator this time around, if you want to die 100 times as a really cute samurai.

I remember the minigames sustaining me and my brothers for hours. Battle system is great, too. The game is just kind of shallow, though. Without original hardware of both the N64 and Gameboy, many features are unavailable.

Even though this is where I feel the series started to go sideways, it's still a competent game with some fun ideas.

Kind of dull and slow compared to Melee.

Alright. Melee is just better, though.

An improvement over Brawl, but not by much.

Story is cool. Budokai gameplay on PSP is alright with me.

Thanks to bad controls this game is hard as hell and difficult to enjoy.

I remember the story being more engaging in this one than CTR but honestly it left much less of an impression on me in the long run. Might have to replay it.

Idk, I just don't get the appeal. It's at least better than Combat Evolved.

Fun platformer with good music if you like the same theme repeated over and over again with different instruments. Seriously, every zone has pretty much the same theme. It's a good song, though. I always run out of steam by the end and can't manage to finish it. Oh well.

Funny writing, inoffensive racing and platforming.

I remember liking this. Definitely scratched the Bionicle itch I had as a kid. Maybe I should replay it...

The best of the games to come out after Deadlocked, but that isn't saying much. Not a fan of these future games but this one is alright.