its an ok fangame. not going to judge it too much until the full game is released


used to play the wii demo of this and the fighting game, got really excited when i saw how cheap the full game was. sadly its a pain in the ass to play

well its battletoads.
the artstyle is fun but overall the game is hardly memorable and ranges from ok to terrible to play. writing was whatever

adding those spikes to the end was really fucked up. in my opinion

i <3 point and click games. on the correct version of the game this time amen

the music and visuals are sooooo fucking good. the controls could be better but its ok. rat explosion

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god. cant wait to see max die in hd

very cute and silly. wobble those dogs

i love picross and i love murder but i have yet to finish the game because i seem to be missing something in the second case and its killing me

positives are the art style and character designs are very cute and there are some parts that make me smile. Unfortunately the game is so very empty it almost feels unfinished which is more upsetting than it just being bad because it COULD be so good and it just. isnt quite there. the music fucking rules though

ok so at one point. likely not too long after the game came out. i watched a video of some gameplay and then forgot about it entirely. and then for YEARS. AND YEARS after that i kept trying to fucking remember the name of this game or ANYTHING that could help me find it AND ? i just happened to stumble upon it on sale for barely a dollar on some website i dont remember ever visiting but had apparently had money on.
really fun but god you do not need that much bloom. the areas between levels are unfortunately very repetitive but otherwise its ok ^_^

LOVE THIS GAME <3 it made me cry. im so so so so in love with this game. there are a few small changes i would make but they do not change the fact that this game is so so so so very dear to me