One of the most engrossing games I've ever played

Genuinely, it was a really interesting game far beyond the point that porn would've been. I can't put my finger exactly on why, but these characters largely felt real, despite the game constantly messing with their character for horror and meta commentary. It surprisingly had some amazing characterization, and even better monologues.

I'm sure it was amazing but I played it during multiple nights between 12 and 2, so I didn't understanding anything lol

Wish it was longer, which is a good and bad thing

I adore the soundtrack and presentation of this game

Adore this game, 2nd best Mario game I've played behind Odyssey


Why is the ludonarrative so fucking good in this game goddamn

A lot of fun but I don't have money or time

Would've been a lot of fun but I'm bad

A fun and fundamentally flawed game, where whichever side is more of a dick or more boring wins

My childhood and somehow not dead despite lack of support