Doo doo do doo do doo - ner ner ner nerrr

I don't entirely understand why Tails is even involved.

You have to applaud the boldness of making an echidna a key character in your flagship game.

I thank this game for introducing me at a young age to the idea that quitting is not only okay, it can be absolutely logical.

Batman would get utterly laid out if he moved as rigidly as this.

They really should inform you that all of the space exploration is utterly pointless earlier in the game.

I'm breaking necks and cashing cheques (hopefully Fisher has a good pension).

I hear they use this game for educational purposes in schools. I am glad someone is getting use out of it.

The greatest racing game ever made.

People should not be rewarded for refusing to buy a Wii U. You deserve to suffer.

My dog thinks this game is hilarious. 10/10 on the dog scale.

I downloaded this to see what trophies were all about. I never cared about a trophy ever again, but I certainly enjoyed Super Stardust HD.

Having rereleased and remade RE4 multiple times I can’t fully understand why we need another game based around the same structure.

They have decided to move away from the terrifying atmospheric survival horror of the first two thirds of RE7 and concluded the last third was in fact the best part. They were wrong.

Link has been juicing.

Sharp and impactful fighting does not really evade the fact I have no real reason to care about any of these people.

Just made me angry that I did not have a dog. (I have one now - she’s the best).