I refuse to play as anyone but King. King is canon. Impostors will fall.

The first person view is a nice addition if you enjoy a more intimate psychopathy.

I’ve ticked too many open world boxes. My soul cannot go on.

Nothing has changed about this game. I’ve lost interest.

Just good old fashioned ahistorical imperialist fun.

I did not play the previous modern Tomb Raider game released a few years prior as I unfairly assumed it would be awful, however I was pleasantly surprised by the polish and attention given to this tale which truly does challenge the exemplary Uncharted series for best explorer turned reluctant combatant gameplay.

The story is a load of nonsense but it has logical consistency and enough comic book farfetchedness to remain enjoyable. Just don’t waste your time as I foolishly did collecting everything. It’s really not worth it.

Replayed it to see if I was wrong about the terrible pacing. I was not. Certainly sympathised more with the Scars this time.


This guy has got hands. Unfortunately, I do not.

Hey, I’m walking with a forboding sense of my own mortality here!

I never played the original game so I cannot speak to the quality of this remake in that regard but the level design and mechanics feel very dated at this point. I simply was not enjoying it.

Remember all of that unique polish and attention to atmosphere in RE2 Remake? The developers of this didn’t.

I wonder how the aliens felt when they arrived in Grimsby?

I stopped playing for a month and entirely forgot what was going on. Lovely mechs though.

Send your wife wild with a private rendition of the Snake Eater song.


I say I would like to return to this again but I haven't had an Amiga since 1996, so it seems unlikely.

Technically a committee of 4 of us completed this game. Regular substitutions were required due to sheer defeat fatigue.