This is the best 3D sonic, no question. The modern boost-formula introduced in Unleashed (technically Rush, but that was 2D) and expounded upon in Colors has fully crystallized into what Generations has to offer - a great balance of 2D and 3D, something easier to get into as a beginner than unleashed, and not to mention the presence of Classic Sonic to offer some more variety. If only he stayed here.

The PC version of Generations really is the definitive one, if you have the specs (and you probably do) and you're thinking of trying out the game, get it on PC. Unlike the consoles it can run at a full 60fps, and having come out 10 years ago at this point the modding scene is HUGE. Meaning even more levels for you to spend time in!

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There's this one specific scene in Silver Snow/Verdant Wind (which I played after Crimson Flower, and Azure Moon, in that order) of Byleth bringing her sword down on Edelgard's head as Edel says "I wanted to walk with you..." but the line is interrupted by her death and I literally had to hit the home button and just cry for the next 5 minutes I hate this game and its so good

It's genuinely pretty good, I promise

An okay game overall, a weird Sonic game. The first two zones, Windy Hill & Desert Ruins, are pretty fun to play. Unfortunately it's all downhill from there.

I primarily play it via the Wii virtual console's lock-on feature, not sure why that's not an option - certainly the best of the classic Sonic games.

If it wasn't as glitchy I honestly could see myself enjoying this.

I would've given it a 3/5 if not for the final case.


It's hard for me to solidly call whether I like Unleashed more than Colors or not, because it really depends on how you're playing it.

If you're playing it for the first time, or just generally doing a new full playthrough: Colors wins by a long shot. The werehog stages can go on for at least 20 minutes, and the game does not attempt to balance this out with the normal daytime stages. Even as someone who enjoys the werehog playstyle, it gets real old real fast.

On the other side though, if you have a completed save file and you're just replaying some stages: Unleashed absolutely wins - the best way to play this game is just the daytime stages back-to-back.

The platforming of Unleashed is super fun and engaging, some of the best in the series IMO, but I played this well after I was familiar with Sonic and his dealings. Unleashed is fast - VERY fast - and that leads to needing some damn fast reflexes, especially in stages like Jungle Joyride (Day). I'd recommend Generations as a better first-3D-sonic experience, personally, but if you liked all of that then by all means come check out Unleashed.

It's fine. It's a 3DS version of the WiiU game, nothing much in particular.

It's okay, not nearly as good as the first.

I don't own the 3DS copy anymore but I did at one point beat it, to be clear.
The 3DS is kinda bizarre? The gameplay is as good as, if not better, than the WiiU version, again the first two zones are perfectly fun and enjoyable, but whereas WiiU Lost World gets boring overtime, the 3DS version just gets. Weirdly hard? The difficulty spike is insane, especially by the sixth zone.

Especially after how much had to be made up for after Sonic Boom: disappointing.
Also it's like 4 hours long and completely just okay.

Solid, but the level design of Dimps gets real grating.