Really solid DS port of the main game, essentially just another Rush title.

Solid, but the level design of Dimps gets real grating.

Especially after how much had to be made up for after Sonic Boom: disappointing.
Also it's like 4 hours long and completely just okay.

I don't own the 3DS copy anymore but I did at one point beat it, to be clear.
The 3DS is kinda bizarre? The gameplay is as good as, if not better, than the WiiU version, again the first two zones are perfectly fun and enjoyable, but whereas WiiU Lost World gets boring overtime, the 3DS version just gets. Weirdly hard? The difficulty spike is insane, especially by the sixth zone.

An okay game overall, a weird Sonic game. The first two zones, Windy Hill & Desert Ruins, are pretty fun to play. Unfortunately it's all downhill from there.

It's okay, not nearly as good as the first.

If it wasn't as glitchy I honestly could see myself enjoying this.

It's fine. It's a 3DS version of the WiiU game, nothing much in particular.

They really need to make a new one.

I never really got into Super Mario 64, or Sunshine, or any other main mario game really. But this, this is outstanding.

"Completed" is in reference to the single-player campaign, at this point I haven't played Splat2n in a good while and I'm just gonna wait for Splatoon 3 now.

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There's this one specific scene in Silver Snow/Verdant Wind (which I played after Crimson Flower, and Azure Moon, in that order) of Byleth bringing her sword down on Edelgard's head as Edel says "I wanted to walk with you..." but the line is interrupted by her death and I literally had to hit the home button and just cry for the next 5 minutes I hate this game and its so good

Honestly pretty fun, I don't have anyone to play it with though