It's kind of funny that people have been making fun of the fact that this game has a hot tub scene within the first hour of the story because when you really think about it the hot tub scene is genuinely one of the most subtle yet still brilliant subversions of that anime trope in any JRPG. It's literally put in the game to demonstrate how the characters are literally asexual and consequently have no modesty about their own bodies, which makes the whole joke of the scene the exact opposite of every other hot tub/sauna scene ever done ever

Takumi you gotta chill out bro

The gameplay is a bit rough but the writing and story is just wayyyy too charming for its own good.

I first played this game when I was 13. I didn't like it. It felt a bit too sluggish and all over the place. So I never actually finished it. Part of that was my own fault, though, because I would put the game down for weeks at a time which, when you do that with an Ace Attorney game, it essentially makes the current case impossible to finish without just doing it off of a guide. So I just eventually quit playing it somewhere in the last case, and that's how it was for almost 7 years.

I decided to replay it a couple weeks ago. From the start. And it's better than I remembered. I still think it's one of the weaker Ace Attorney games, but there still is a lot of good here. And it's nice to have finally finished it. Because not having finished it and thus not being able to really play its sequel have haunted me as a supposed "Ace Attorney fan" for years.

I always seem to misremember how much fun Ace Attorney is. A lot of the time, or at least when I was a kid, I liked the games, but found them tedious a lot of the time. Now that I'm older, and have been replaying the trilogy, it really struck me how wrong I remembered these games being. They're not boring, they're not tedious, they're some of the best-written mystery visual novels of all time. I was playing the final case the day I was writing this and I was honestly at a loss for words at the end. The final case isn't as good as I remembered it being. It's better. It's so, so much better.

"In my world, the color red doesn't exist. These must be... my tears."

The story was really badly thought-through and the game is riddled with glitches and awful voice acting, but it's still very very fun if you like murder mysteries.

i think the reasons people on this page gave for disliking this game is why I had fun playing it

I remember just staying up until 4 AM playing this for some reason when I was like 13

I mean, it was pretty fun. I don't know why I decided to play it in class, though.

you guys are talking shit but don't pretend that you didn't feel like a badass when you got to go inside the secret room within the PSA

this game's art direction and sprite work is 100x better than anything gamefreak released on the 3ds and after

The anti-piracy measures on this game are insane

Bro it's just baseball with Mario but the cast of this game is fantastic there are so many characters

for what it's worth it was REALLY funny gifting this to my friends on steam back when i was 14

who needs to do task when you have drip?