16 reviews liked by switch1e

british people are fucking insane

it is simply funnier without an undo button

Stop me if you've heard this one before. A cartoonishly intimidating prosecutor with a heart of gold and a talented but inexperienced defense attorney walk into a courtroom, and leave having solved an infamous, decade-old case that every single main character is somehow connected to. I'm not accusing Takumi of self-plagiarism, or of running out of ideas, but his proclivity towards familiar motifs ends up making things feel stale. If anything, this is less of a critique and more of a testament to his writing prowess. Grand, sweeping mysteries and their dramatic resolutions are so routine for Ace Attorney (and Ghost Trick...) that they no longer wow as they once did. I think my review of the first game completely missed the mark, because, despite being similarly underwhelmed with this one, pretty much everything that I complained about has been greatly improved. The pacing's far better, the side characters are more memorable, Sholmes isn't as annoying, and, most importantly, foresight feels required, especially in that behemoth of a final case. The one unpatched hole is the utilization of duology-specific gimmicks. Juries are hardly used, and are eventually straight-up abandoned. Deductions are still far too simple, meaning that the investigation half of every case ends up boring- the mini-trials afforded by psyche locks are sorely missed. Combine this with the aforementioned plot outline similarities and it feels like this game doesn't have much of an identity. Once you pick up on certain story seeds being sewn, it's pretty easy to predict how things will play out in a general sense, even if you're not sure of all the details. My new guess as to why I wasn't ever gripped or totally intrigued is simple: it's just another Ace Attorney game. And, unfortunately, as much as the original trilogy led me to believe otherwise, I think I've realized that the series ultimately isn't for me.

demi those Jordans are fake as FUCK

its like squid game with more slurs

If you think this is difficult you suck at video games.

Feel like majority of the people love this game for the completely wrong reasons, the game has an "Overwhelmingly Positive" rating on Steam with lots of positive joke reviews making remarks on the silly humor of the game, or refer to it as a "so bad it's good" type of game, completely miss the depth the game has to offer than the "le funny pee", though I was also a part of that demographic.

The previous installment of Postal was a completely edgy game about a guy going Postal and going on a killing spree to kill enough people to progress to the next level, the next installment in the series, Postal 2 seems completely out of place right? I wouldn't say so, it's like Running with Scissors realized how silly it was so they made a complete satire of their previous game and overall hyperbolizing on the edginess and mock American Congressmen trying all in their power to ban videogames for making people go Postal ™. The satire is quite effective to this day and now functions as a time capsule to a really messed up period.

Underneath all that satire Postal 2 is also an effective horror game, the underground and cave locations with the Talibans and the asylum have an eerie atmosphere and sound design that makes you feel quite uneasy, the game's now dated graphics really give it the ugly look making it feel just like a snuff film, and not to mention the absolutely crazy finale that is just absolutely chaotic. the game also has aspects of Psychological Horror which comes from the sandbox nature of the game that tests the depths of human perversion and do messed up things that you would have never imagined you would think of doing until playing this game.

this game is like that one scene in the beginning of shrek 2 where theyre travelling to far far away and donkey won't shut up except donkey in this scenario is all of the characters not shutting up about the dark age of the law and i am shrek losing more of my will to live every second

i skip cutscenes and support conversations every time i play fire emblem awakening. ive played fire emblem awakening around twelve times