Just watch the anime lmao

The localization of this game is just dogshit machine-translated. You also have to be braindead if you want to even try whaling in this game because the prices for some passes are insane.

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Nobody told me about the two Estinien sex scenes.

Well-deserved praise. Cried a lot. Screamed a lot. Earlier parts though? Nightmare-inducing. Jesus Christ.

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This was so intense... So cool... Lyse is so beautiful... I love Yugiri... Story kind of peaked here, but damn... why they gotta do Gosetsu dirty like that... also thanks for the Estinien cameos...

Whoever designed The Lochs area though? I am too directionally-challenged for that mess of routes for aether currents, gdi

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This is actually a horror jrpg.

Jokes aside, I very very much enjoyed this game so much more than the first one. The worldbuilding is phenomenal. I love the whole cast. Some of the characters' stories hit pretty hard to the point I cried. That means it's good.

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I miss Haurchefant. Estinien is so beautiful,,, I want to punch him

Thank god my most distant personality is a CLOWN.

As soon as I finished Chapter 1 and got married, the game dumped a baby on me.

It is not an RGG game unless you spend more time in the minigames than the main story itself, and this game is that kind of RGG game. I love swords... I love slashing losers with swords... I also love Ryoma and Okita. Also shoutouts Saigo and Katsura. I want to pants Hijikata.

The only thing that I enjoyed within this series (including the first game) is the interaction with all types of Pokémon. The plot itself... was SOMETHING, and I'm glad to receive closure for the main point of it. For a spin-off of the Pokémon series, it can be a little too intense and dramatic at some points, but it also has its good and funny moments that you usually see within the series. I love Pikachu and all the Pokémon I got to see within this game. I also hate how endgame made me cry, but let's not talk about that.

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Why did this series have to make me like another blonde anime man from a jrpg...? Why did Falcom make this particular blonde man initially a stinky nobleman following the footsteps of who he saw as his father and rose into power with greed, only to be defeated by said father's real son and the son's companions along with getting punched in the face by his adopted younger brother...? Why did Falcom decide to give him character development and a new daughter to look after for the rest of his nameless wandering life? Why did Falcom make him hotter with short hair? LITERALLY WHY?!

I hate Rufus Albarea, but I also want to [REDACTED] him.

Anyways, this game really had to go so hard in making Crossbell gang's lives hard, but they all conquered their doomed fate once again... Through forged bonds, they got over that barrier...! The writing and worldbuilding in the Trails series has always impressed me, and I look forward to playing Calvard arc.

Played for the exercise... Stayed for Wii Fit Trainer...