3 reviews liked by tabrisael

I tried this game, but I didn't really get it. You wander around and attack enemy Pokemon but you play as a set Pokemon and don't get to adapt your team to the situation as much since you play as a specific Pokemon and don't get to change that. The environments are also procedurally generated, which I bet I didn't understand as a kid, they just came off as flavorless and bland. To me, this is a game that's all filler, no killer. Not for me perhaps!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon certainly has a dedicated fanbase. They always put this game on a pedestal as one of the all-time greats, so as a Pokemon fan, I chose this as my first PMD game.

And I don't get it.

After 5-6 hours of gameplay, I was completely bewildered by the love this game gets (and I understood why it has a 54 on Metacritic), so I read through some "Explorers of Sky is the GOAT" posts. I noticed that people raved about the game's story, characters, and how it made them cry. I saw zero praise for the gameplay. It seems to me that those who love this series love the narrative, and those who dislike this series dislike actually playing it.

I reached out to some fans of EOS and asked if my assumption was correct. The consensus seemed to be pretty close to my initial idea. This setting, world, and story mean a lot to people. And when they're that enamored with the storytelling, they learn to love the gameplay.

During my time with the game, the story didn't pull me in, so the gameplay just came across as repetitive and uninteresting.

It's legitimately interesting to me how this game has attracted such a following. Every once in a while, I'll see a "Top 10 DS/Pokemon/Nintendo" YouTube video, and practically every time, there will be comments demanding to know where Explorers of Sky is, as if it's universally accepted that it's some sort of masterpiece. Even as a die-hard Pokemaniac since '98, I don't get the appeal at all.

There's no denying that EOS means a lot to a lot of people, but MAN. The game just isn't fun.