It's a fine game, but nothing more.

(this review is also applicable to the Game Gear version)

A technical marvel for the Sega Genesis that was criminally overlooked due to its late release. Very unique style of play; you use your arms to grab and fling enemies, as well as help build momentum to fly through levels (since you are a shooting star after all). Very colorful, looking like a later SNES title than a Genesis title. Highly recommended for fans of the Genesis and Mega Drive.

Played on the Sega Saturn, not sure why that isn't an option since there is an official Saturn port...
Super fun arcade game, hurts to look at for extended periods of time though.

Matter not which version you play, terrible game this is. No redeeming value has it.

Ms. Pac-Man is much better but you can't deny the classic

This is a very good platforming game with a lot of variation, but it may be a bit too big for its breeches to get a perfect rating. The ending levels are an absolute drag and just not fun to play through, which is a shame because everything up to that point is pretty great. World just did it all better.


but it's pretty short, being an arcade game

Hideo Kojima's first point and click game is also one of the best ever made. Though not as thorough with its hard science as its successor Policenauts, it more than makes up for it with a cast of characters you'll find yourself becoming attached to very quickly, and a gripping story reminiscent of They Live (you thought I was gonna say Blade Runner huh). This is easily the best Christmas game ever made, check it out.

There has never been a better Yoshi game since this one. The way it controls, the level design, just the right amount of difficulty, and its beautiful aesthetic make this an absolute classic.

(this is applicable ONLY to the Wii version)

I'm not really sure what genre you'd put this in but it's like if you mixed NIGHTS with a platforming action game. One of the few times I'd say the Wii remote adds to the experience of a game.

I'm not good at this game and I have not been in the several years that I've played it but it's fun regardless.

The Virgin Diddy's Kong Quest
-no one remembers that name
-stupid play on words

The Chad Diddy Kong's Quest
-everyone remembers that name
-straight to the point, no wordplay

Oh and the game's great too. Not as good as the first but I'm in the minority on that.

There are those that say this game has more to offer than Sonic Forces because at LEAST it's funny in its brokenness, and to that I say... what's wrong with you? This game is broken. It's a mess. It's NOT funny in its brokenness, outside of memes. This is just a terrible game. Don't kid yourself.

It's Soul Calibur with Darth Vader, good enough for me.