Probably the most epic and cinematographic Zelda game of them all; the art direction is amazing, the game has the mature vibes and deals with the story the way I always dreamt about, the wolf Link adds so much personality to the game and has a nice balance with human Link and it has the most unique and different item display of the franchise, although most items aren`t much useful outside of the places they are supposed to be used.

Ultimately, this games fall way short, plagued with bad control schemes and touch screen gimmicks; it doesn`t holds up as nearly as good as the previous titles. Everything in the game is made harder with the finicky touch controls, as its not that responsive some times, which can lead to stupid deaths - and don`t even get me started on the stupid blow on the mic thing; it`s an interesting idea, I`ll give that, as it utilizes all the console has to offer, but in practice it does not work as good as the devs wanted it to.

The game has some nice moments, and I especially liked the sound track and how it evolves and goes deeper as you, for example, speed up on your train in the overworld map or climb the endless steps of the Tower of Spirits and I`m a huge fan of the synnergy and relationship of this Link and Zelda, as it brings a lot of charm to the story, but at the end of the day, its buried underneath a lot of gimmicks and things that do not work that well.

Maybe I`m not that much into Sonic games, but even though this one I think captured perfectly the essence and the magic of the original 2D Sonic games, the thing it was hard for me to really enjoy this game.
The colours and the general art design of the characters and all the levels is great and the soundtrack is simply phenomenal, one of the best I`ve listened to recently, the game just feels unbalanced at some points; some levels are short and fun, and some so damn long and boring, throwing a whole load of stuff to kill you that justs comes out as the complete opposite of fun to be honest - looking at you Oil Ocean Zone and Titanic Monarch Zone.
I wish I was more of a Sonic guy, but at the end I was glad i finished the game and don`t really feel like coming back to it - maybe Sonic games are just not for me.

The best game you probably never played or never even heard of. It really captures the essence of those wonderful adventure puzzle games from the 90s`, combined with a strong visual appeal, making reference to the Dia de Los Muertos, one of Mexico`s most popular holidays, a phenomenal jazzy soundtrack which makes the main characters indistinguishable and, for me, the best aspect of this game - the voice acting; i can`t stress this enough, cause without the voice actors this would not be a sucess.

Of course, as a typical 90`s adventure game, this comes also with some bad perks: the game is hard and the puzzles sometimes can be a bit random, so as a modern remaster, the game could have got a hint system to help confused players. And also, a game from 2015 (the remastered version) that doesn`t have autosave is pretty pathetic in my opinion. But, if you`re looking for that nostalgic gaming vibe from the nineties, this is a must play.

Square managed to keep the FFVII Remake standard high with the short and action packed InterMission episode. Yuffie's gameplay is a lot of fun, with the game serving as a trial for the combat additions that will come on Rebirth - loved the synergy gameplay and can't wait to see the interactions between Cloud and the rest of the gang - and the music adds a lot to the environment, but it doesn't add a whole lot to the story, mostly introducing 2 antagonists from the expanded universe and building up the hype for Rebirh.

A fun and short experience that brings all the nostalgia from past Sony consoles, while also introducing all the amazing features of the Dual Sense controller. Loved all the references to Playstations best hits and exclusives. A must play if you grew up playing on Playstation.

Just as the other DS entry, this game also fails to deliver a pleasant experience at the end. The comparisons to Spirit Tracks are inevitable; in my opinion, the music isn`t as enjoying in this one, the stylus controls are also present, which means that you not gonna have a good time controlling Link around the map, but thank god there`s not many microphone mechanic stuff - they are few of those, and the ones that shows up are fun and not near of a hassle, like those where you shout at the mic to stun enemies at one of the dungeons and when you have to ask for a discount for the cannons in the shipwright.

Storywise, this game makes more sense than Spirit Tracks, following after the end of Wind Waker, where Link and Petra must rebuild Hyrule after the flood; and let`s be honest, the whole story concept of Spirit Tracks, with the tracks around Hyrule and spirit trains and that whole stuff is kinda dumb and doesn`t make much sense. The low point for me is the Ocean King Temple, which has every piece of design universally hated by players: time limit, invisible enemies, and the fact that you have to do it like 4 or 5 times throughout the game, while repeting the stuff you have already done before, cause this dungeon is not sectioned off like the Spirit Tower in Spirit Tracks.

At the end, this is just one of those Nintendo games that feeds off gimmicks: stylus gimmicks, microphone gimmicks and other ones that just doesnt click well - the vibrant art style and cool sea exploration just gets buried underneath boring controlling and gameplay mechanics that looks cool on paper, but doesn`t work very well.

A fun cooperative experience - playing this game with friends is a blast and with all the diferent characters and the different abilities and challenges, this has a lot of replay value and playing this with a group of friends really brightened up my nights. The bad things for me are that there are not a lot of map variety, which can lead to some repetitive gameplay and after you hit the teleport, all the money that you have cannot be used on chests left out and it going to xp is kinda lame - this money should have some other use on items, in my opinion. But otherwise, it`s a fun little game and worth checking out if you looking on something to play with your friends.


First, i have to say that I`m not that fond of roguelike games, but this is the first one of this kind that i went through all the way till the end; the game just captures you and doesn`t let go.

All of the game has to offer is just chef`s kiss; the art style is phenomenal and all of the characters, including the gods and support ones are so likable and there`s so much sexual tension envolved that you just keep wanting more and more; the combat is really fun and the god`s powers just make it unique and adds a lot of replay value.

The main problem with roguelike games for me it`s that, at some point, its just gets repetitive and boring doing the same stuff, the same levels, fighting the same bosses over and over, but the story and the relationship between the characters are just so so good, that it just not an issue doing it all again - each time you complete a run, it unlocks a little more of the story and the relation between Zagreus and his parents, but just a lil bit, leaving you thristy and avid for more.

You can`t go wrong with more Portal content right? God bless the fans for doing what the devs and the companies won`t. I`m not a big fan of that ending section, but the new puzzles are really fun and unique. And considering this a free mod, this is definitely a must play, especially if you enjoyed the first two Portal games.

A small and nice teaser for Dawntrail, showcasing mostly the female Hrothgar who is apparently pivotal to the new expansion story and one of the new jobs, the Pictomancer. The story itself is nothing to write home about, but it just gives you that itch to play the new content. Tural, here we come!

From a technical perspect, this game is amazing: the combat feels just as amazing as the first one, the game has basically zero loading times on PS5 and it is absolutely gorgeous to look. However, when you start actually playing the flaws start appearing.
My main point of criticism about this game stands on: it has too much handholding, too much scripted and predefinied moments and less player experience, and the parts that you play can feel a bit repetitive. Take the last boss story mission as an example: you play a little "stealth" section at the beggining (i can`t really call that stealth to be fair) that has two enemy encounters and a mini boss that is stupid easy, and after a bunch of flashy cutscenes, you start the fight against the last boss. The fight is cool and cinematic, and it does feel like you`re actually watching a blockbuster Spider-man movie, but at the end you can`t help but feel a little disappointed with all the outcome.
The story also doesn`t quite work for me. It`s like they tried to do too much inside a story - they tried to develop two villains, Kraven, which gets a lot of time and background but when Venom gets on screen, it feels rushed and underwhelming.
Even with all those issues, this is still a banger a must play if you`re on the new gen - the game still retains all the good things from the first game and, again, makes you feel like Spider-man - well, Spider-men actually.

The most amazing Final Fantasy single player experience of this century, without question. It`s crazy to think how they take like 15-20 hours of the original game and expand in such a way that it becomes a game of it`s own; you have content, between main quests, side content, minigames, up to 80-100 hours of gameplay, depending on how much you wish to invest time on those secondary stuff.

Story-wise, you need to treat this as a whole different thing, even more so than the first part. You get a lot of memorable scenes and dialogues from the original back again, but there`s an "avalanche" (pun intended) of new scenes, new characters, new motivations to keep the story rolling and even apparations of characters that weren`t on the original game. The whole "alternate timelines" thing from the first part still plays a big role on the development of the story on this one, and it brings a lot of new stuff to the game, although it can be way more confusing to understand all the events and how they take place, even with the core events of the original game still intact.

Gameplay wise, it`s just as good to play as the Remake. The combat is still the same, and the new characters have interesting and refreshing gameplay mechanics, especially Yuffie and Cait. I just resent the fact that they removed the way upgrading weapons functioned in the first game; the way it works in this game is just not as interesting. Even so, that`s not really a big of an issue, cause with all the new stuff they added, especially the synergy abilities and the relationship mechanic, the weapon upgrades functions well. This game has a lot of stuff to do, and I do mean a lot: the amount of minigames they added is astounding, even to a point that maybe they tried to do too much, and it`s just becomes tiresome, especially if you`re a completionist kind of gamer that tries to do everything - believe me, you`ll be spending a lot of time doing it all.

The way the world and the game is built reminds me a little of Final Fantasy X; the game at it`s core is still linear - you go from area to area as you move on throughout the story. But the way this game introduces the free roaming and open world spaces from the original is very clever; as you move, you get little "pockets" of open world, areas where you can get sidequests, chocobo hunting, minibosses and much more. And actually that`s very clever, cause if this game used open world just as the original, with all the new things they added, it could had been very overwhelming, so this way works just fine - even though not all the areas where that fun to explore.

Graphic and music, it`s just phenomenal. The characters models are just gorgeous and just a sight to behold and the music is just up to Final Fantasy standards - I just can`t get enough of all these Aerith`s theme renditions, makes me cry everytime. The only thing bad about how the game looks it`s the fact that this one still has those blurry and not rendered well background objects that Remake had, and the textures are not just what we expected at this point, but it`s doesnt come to be such a nuisance.

As i said at the beginning, this is it; this is the Final Fantasy experience we all wanted, this is the franchise at it`s best. When we all dreamed of a remake of Final Fantasy VII, we didn`t expected we would get this; honestly, this is so much better than we could have imagined.

An old school puzzle adventure that is a blast to play, especially if you play the co-op mode with a friend. The puzzles are engaging and well crafted, the combat`s fun and there`s a lot of weapon variety for you to spice it up the gameplay. A quick and fun experience, especially if you play alongside friends.

Really fun and actually unique fighting style game. It`s kinda difficult to master and really get good at this, but having a go at this one with friends is something you won`t regret.