9 years later and it's still my absolute favorite game of all time. it's the kind of game you play once and it leaves a lasting impression on you for the rest of your life. there will never be another game quite like it

my depth perception's worst nightmare

breath of the wild was a game i adored at launch, but fell out of love with the more i played it. i could see the masterpiece in there, but it really just wasn't for me. knowing this, i wasn't expecting much different going into TOTK, but i was at least hoping that some of the problems i had with BOTW would be fixed. some of the problems i had were indeed fixed, or at least mitigated to some extent, but at the end of the day this game just feels like a glorified BOTW expansion with only about 25% of the problems i had with the game fixed being sold for me for $70. i know this is inevitably gonna be most people's GOTY, and i'm happy that a vast majority of people are enjoying it, but i'm not gonna force myself to play a game just because everyone else loves it.

this popped off way too hard to just be a free game on steam

merry gasps for air in between long sobs christmas

is it the best ff14 has to offer? absolutely not

it is better than most people say? yeah

i'm not quite sure what to put here other than the fact that this is one of the greatest games ever made. there's not much i can say here that hasn't already been said to death by people who are probably more coherent than i am

this was my first playthrough, got the main ending. at some point i'd love to go back through new game+ and see all the other endings for myself, but i'll save that for a later date

shb was my favorite part of the msq so getting to return to those areas had me giddy. story was peak, the dungeon was probably my favorite of the expansion, trial was alright, zero continues to be a 10/10 character

i truly can't decide if this or umineko was better. they're about on the same level of quality to me, that is to say, peak fiction and an absolute must-read


no, watching marsh's video essay does not count as a playthrough

i guarantee that if in some other timeline this game released between the original paper mario and TTYD it would have a much better reception than it does now

turned off eye detection partway in cuz i couldn't get it 100% accurate with how much i was sobbing

i was in 4th grade when mario kart 8 came out, i'm a college student now

as much as i love this game, it's time to move on

nasu will be tried for war crimes as long as i live

one of the best kirby games and i am NOT joking. if you're even kinda a fan of metroidvanias and you love kirby this game is an absolute must. just don't go for 100%, my soul hurts