Rapture is the best setting for any videogame

I can't crack it the gameplay is butthole but the characters and world are cool

Honestly pretty good for someone who hasn't played the original. Solid game

Back in the day I would play this and absolutely nothing else for weeks. I remember spending countless hours in the training arena labbing combos, getting folded online and just in general watching all the cool animations which in my opinion still hold up today. I think this game is probably why I fell in love with fighting games and still play them to this day.

Now one of my favourite from soft games ngl

Pokemon fans are genuinely crazy, the game was fine and it's just classic pokemon which is enough to have a good time.

Way too overhated it does have its flaws sure but Most of the flaws come from the core mechanics of pokemons aging formula. it has some of the most memorable characters and gym leaders in the entire series