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(This is the 1,500th game I've logged on the site! BACKLOGGD FOR LIFE)

The PS5 showcase in the summer of 2020 sold both me and my wife on the system, and one featured game that interested us was Sackboy. Once it came out, reception was middling, so we held off on buying it. But when it hit PS Plus earlier this year, I ran out of excuses to keep putting it off.

The co-op seemed like the preferred way to play, so my daughter and I started making our way through... and she lost interest REAL quick. Now, she's beaten Mario 3D World multiple times, so the genre seemed like a good fit for us, but the whole thing just felt uninspired. The movement is boring, the level design is boring, the enemies, the collectibles, the music, etc. I've tried to keep playing by myself for a while, but while the game is clearly a competent platformer, there's not really anything going on here that stands out from its peers. This is the kind of game that could be fun with the right group or if you were a kid with like 3 games, but in my 30s with a shortage of free time, I can't justify sinking more hours into the gaming equivalent of an ambivalent shrug.