70 reviews liked by thegreatpyt

" Mion can I go to your school? "
" For wholesome doppelganger moment? "
" Yeeeeess wholesome doppelganger moment. "

Actually becomes the writer excuse to justify child abuse like a boss.

It's short but still a good chapter.

how did dual destinies come after this yamazaki

Way better than the previous 2 chapters.

A game i had been meaning to play for a while and it did not dissapoint.
Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney quickly became one of my favorite vns from the charming artstyle, soundtrack and great cases.
The cast of characters in this game is great and for a 2001 gba game it doesn’t feel all that dated.
Overall this is a great well rounded vn.

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Sooo, AAI 2 took its inspirations for Simon Keyes from Clive huh? I had high expectations for this game and I appreciate what it was going for (and for the most part, it succeeded.). It just suffers from a lack of depth from the villains. For the duration of the game I couldn't stop thinking about how Dimitri's arc is like Godot's and Clive's arc is like Simon's. Enough about comparisons though, let's talk about the game. Gameplay is a lot like the other games but have more varied puzzles. Music is great as always and it's always a joy to see Professor and Luke going on adventures. It's also a good ending to the series.

Anyone who says they saw the twist coming is a liar

dude i'd remember when i was a kid and i'd be gaming on this game... it was great

It's fun, it can definitely use some more polishing though. Sometimes it feels unresponsive or not responsive enough, it lacks of basic modern rhythm game options such as custom maps, skins (or any type of mod loader in general), multiplayer and remaps for the keys. These types of games must be played with keys on a horizontal line because the way they're layed out on a normal keyboard makes it uncomfortable to play at times.

A lot of people love the presentation but I honestly hesitated to try it for that motive, I think the "quirky simplistic" artstyle has already died down for me.
Honestly, it's free, you can try it out and it's fun. I just hope it gets some more basic features because the week system gets old quickly. A multiplayer mode could really benefit from the "duel" type of rhythm game in which both sides are displayed.

The expansive overworld, fun gameplay, interesting story, and the secrets throughout the game is what makes this game really good. the memories and divine beast quests help expand link, zelda, and the other champions.

1 list liked by thegreatpyt

by Melty |

10 Games