Whatever's out there, I want you to know I'm ready for it.

you get ONE STAR for your insane pricing, but that's alright because phone games are easy to pirate on bluestacks.

unintentionally comedic. cute though!

somebody please help me i can't launch this game on windows 11 i've done everything

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why the FUCK would i save that pedophilic murdering ass teacher. FUCK that guy

why did the doctor make me dig up my parents bodies. what the fuck was that

i bought the 150 dollar fable compendium set because i was so obsessed with this game when i first beat it

i would rather die by a thousand cuts than go through the nosferatu warrens again

I've been thinking about the games I played as a kid, how young and careless you are, and Mirror's Edge was among my favorites. I was so young I'd ask my sister things like 'are runners real? are you a runner?' and just be a general nuisance to her while she sat by and let me play her xbox. I remember when that xbox became mine and I finished the game for the first time and I cried.

i'm graduated now and things are uncertain. My family is disjointed now, and I didn't exactly become the person I wanted to be, but life goes on. I will always have Mirror's Edge to return to a piece of my childhood, but I think what is most beautiful is that I don't need it. Life goes on. I am going to survive this.

bad, but idk fable has that charm about it