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November 7, 2022

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Out of all the 343 Halo campaigns, this one is the best. It returns to much of what made the originals what they were, with the addition of a few new things.
Infinite takes place on another Halo ring, Zeta Halo. After the events of 5 and Halo Wars 2, Cortana has been subdued and since then, the Banished (basically Covenant 2.0 lead by Brutes) have attacked the Infinity, destroying it and the Banished leader, Atriox, sending Chief into space. Chief is recovered by a surviving pilot, and they land on Zeta Halo, where they discover the rest of the Infinity's surviving crew, as well as more Banished. From there, Chief recovers a Cortana clone AI, who essentially was the one who subdued Cortana. They work together to push back the Banished and put a stop to the "Reformation", an event lead by a new race, The Endless, to bring the rest of the Endless back, whatever they are.
Infinite is also open-world, which is a take never before seen in the Halo games. In addition to the usual tenets of an open world (being to-do lists, points of interest, kill quests, fast travel, an upgrade tree, etc.), Chief gets more mobility via the use of a grapple hook. This was probably one of my favorite new features. The ability to spiderman my way up mountains, grab guns and explosives from afar, grapple to vehicles, and even grapple enemies to close the distance between us was a ton of fun.
The world itself is very pretty, but ultimately kind of empty. Sure there's FOBs and Banished outposts and of course the story-relevant locations, but other than that, there's nothing else. It's a very stripped back open-world formula that mainly gives you the option of more exploration, but there's not much of an incentive to scour the map in addition to the main quest. Sure, you get upgrade points, but you only really need to upgrade the shield to take on late-game bosses. Every other category helps, but isn't much of a bonus. Lore tablets are interesting, but can be lengthy, and can cause you to miss important dialogue unless you listen to them while sitting in the menu, which messes with the flow.
FOBs and rescuing marine squads are the only other things worth checking out, because they offer combat scenarios, and clearing a FOB unlocks what is essentially a fast-travel hub that you can spawn weapons and vehicles from.
High-value targets are challenging mini-bosses that give you souped-up versions of regular weapons, which is cool.
Aside from that, there's cosmetic unlockables that you can find around the map, but that's about it.
The multiplayer is super fun. I've been playing it a lot lately and I'm really enjoying it!
Definitely recommend this one. It's live-service so Infinite will be around for a while, with seasonal updates like every other online multiplayer game right now. Battle pass, cosmetics, the whole shebang. The main thing I'm curious about is whether we will get campaign DLC. Infinite's story ends with the setup for a follow-up regarding the Endless, so it's obvious the story is still not finished. Hope to see that come around or be resolved eventually.