100 reviews liked by tiagodko

Masterpiece of game design with unbelievably extensive modding capabilities and a fantastic multiplayer, this game has insane replayability

I have never been into Pokémon, I was the person who was mystified by other people's obsession with it as a kid, as everyone around me grew up playing Pokémon Crystal and Emerald, I simply watched. I got into RPGs through games like Dragon Quest VIII on the Playstation 2 so by the time I tried to play them later in life I wasn't impressed, Pokémon's brand of monster collecting RPGs wasn't for me, I thought, and I'd rather be playing Dragon Quest Monsters or SMT if I wanted a fix of that.

Not that long ago I gave Pokémon Red a shot and I found it interesting from a historical perspective, as it's a game that heavily borrows from older RPGs in terms of structure, you can see games like DQ3 influencing how it was designed, but I found it that, mearly interesting, as a game it was just fine. I felt similar with Emerald when I played it last year, it's a fine game that I didn't actually connect with on a personal level any deeper than "it's kinda fun in the moment to moment".

This game, Pokémon Violet, is the first time I have actually connected with a game on this franchise on any level deeper than that. Not only is the gameplay much improved but I actually like the cast of characters and exploration that the more open formula gives it. The game is buggy but I didn't really care aside from the occasional funny visual glitch. I was invested and I was having fun, meeting all these characters and building my team, which is something I seldom engaged with in previous games, I just didn't feel the games were compelling enough to bother. I know some older fans may disagree but since I've never liked Pokemon mostly 1 vs 1 combat system (I thought it was something we better left as an archaic remnant in games like Dragon Quest 1) I think sharing experience with your entire team is a really good move that the newer games do, it incentivizes me to actually use all my Pokémon more, and since I can't have a "in battle party" like in most RPGs, I see my entire team as my "active party" and as such all of them gaining experince feels fair to me.

Anyway. I don't actually have that much to say about it, it was more of a catalogue of my personal story with these games than a review. Good game. I love Penny.

In passato ho apprezzato dei punta e clicca che avevano dei grossi problemi col puzzle design; penso in particolare a "The Longest Journey" e alla sua paperella di merda. Però son stato indulgente in quanto ho comunque amato scrittura, personaggi, alcuni altri puzzle, world building e così via

"The Feeble Files" ha secondo me davvero un bel world building, che poteva essere un poco approfondito ma quel che si può vedere e leggere è comunque buono. Il doppiaggio originale anche è ben fatto, e seppur cerchi di virare ogni tanto verso il comico ne esce fuori comunque un racconto tragico e grigio sull'oppressività di un governo e sul controllo della vita personale di tutti gli individui a favore di una classe ristretta che ne trae vantaggio

Purtroppo, molti dei puzzle in "Feeble" mi fanno uscire fuori di testa, in diversi casi rasentano la pazzia; se consideriamo pure l'estrema lentezza con cui è possibile spostarsi da un'area all'altra la mia voglia di sperimentare certe interazioni o di reispezionare certe zone è stata praticamente sempre uguale a zero. C'è anche un po' di object hunting, alcuni degli oggetti da raccogliere si confondono fin troppo con il resto della stanza

Qualche problema lo ha anche l'inventario e il puntatore al suo interno, che secondo me hanno delle sviste lato programmazione. Per non parlare della sezione action del gioco, ancora 'sta necessità di mettere parti action dove non serve assolutamente

Poi c'è il fatto che Feeble commenta molto poco il mondo che lo circonda: non ha quasi nessuna osservazione da condividere sugli oggetti e sui luoghi presi in esame, è un peccato visto l'approfondimento testuale notevole (consultabile a proprio piacimento in una sorta di enciclopedia accessibile attraverso un dispositivo elettronico portatile) e la buona quantità di personaggi con cui è possibile interagire. Sembra quasi che la scrittura voglia dipingerlo come un cretino e un individuo notevolmente sveglio allo stesso tempo - anche perché per riuscire a risolvere certi puzzle sveglio lo deve essere per forza. Mi potreste dire che questo è comunque un segno della complessità di un individuo, ma a mio avviso in questo caso è solo inconsistente e un po' superficiale con la sua caratterizzazione

Arkham City is more than just an incredible Batman adaptation and Arkham Asylum successor, it's also a great video game. The gameplay formula being already perfect, this entry makes sure to add in some new simple mechanics and expansion upon it's sets to really add more to the already fun playstyle. Controls are tight, albeit unresponsive at times, but is much more fluent in different areas and the difficulty is much more enjoyably increased. The much more gritty and grounded art direction is appreciated, futher improved audio and iconic music. The level design is greatly changed up due to the now city landscape setting really allowing to creatively add more to this universe and providing many fun opportunities. Though the story is a little bit shorter, the pace does flow nicely and manages to pull off everything, especially with more side quests and better boss fights. Where the game really shines is within the more developed and variety of characters, as well as the simple superhero story that really knows how to make the game non-stop fun from beginning to end.

Very fun while playing, a safe pick if looking for something to pad your PS5 library, but it definitely struggles near the end-game with regards to the story. Recommend waiting until NG+ is added for the Ultimate difficulty.


O cgi e a ambientação dessa porra são mt perfeitos vsf. O jogo n é mt claro com os seus objetivos em vários momentos mas acho q isso ajuda na construção da atmosfera

True Doom fans will always use the super shotgun, no matter how much it sucks ass

é um complemento bacana, a duração ajuda a não ser tão repetitivo, só achei as novas mecânicas mal exploradas e a supershotgun ajudou dms pq a shotgun normal de doom 3 é uma tranqueira

not very good at this game but having negan from the walking dead and noctis ff15 as guest characters is so peak