pulgar arriba si dejaste caer la luna par a ver el mensaje de ben drowned del vendedor de mascaras

valhalla me dio jumpscare......

Peak fiction
Edit: I've completed it 7 times already, one playthrough for each class, and 2 more, it's that good and fun

its not even a kusoge
its just a shit game

oh the misery everyone wants to fuck patches from dark souls 3

this game made me appreciate soylent a lot more

Muy buen juego
dlcs no tocar por favor bajo ninguna puta circumstancia
Edit: más lo pienso peor me parece
Edit 2: no es un buen juego

this is just like dark souls in the future there's no point to the game you just kill yourself on the nexus and shit there's no point

Me la puto suda
-The Professor from Paper House

I wanted to hit that putchy (patches pussy) soooo badly

Why I am the only person who rated this masterpiece

This is just like dark souls but for actual virgins

Celeste be like: waaa im depressed
Pursuer comes and kills her: GRRRARH ID ONT CARE PLAY DARK SOULS II