An amazing start to the new Arc, but not one without its issues. The middle of this game drags pretty hard, and difficulty balance is all over the place (while never really truly getting hard, outside of the last boss, fuck that guy), but the refinements to various systems including cooking, Connect events and Orbments, as well as the complete overhauling of Combat have landed in a very, very solid base in which to build from, and im excited to see the Field Combat be expanded.

Van is an amazing character, and (most) of the main crew is excellent too, specifically Aaron and Agnes (and Elaine, but thats kind of cheating). Excellent stuff here.

the Cold Steel series has been very rocky so far, and Hajimari is no different. Concluding Cold Steel (and, pretty much the Crossbell arc too) pretty well, and doing some great things with Rean's character (though i feel like 5 games was way too much for what was told), gameplay is also a bit more refined, but the bloated cast and size issue is still there from CS4, just less prevalent imo. definitely the most fun ive had in a Trails game thus far in terms of gameplay though. was fun to break this one.

this game gets so much wrong, it infuriates me. BUT, it also gets so much right, which sucks too in its own way. gameplay is a slight, but noticeable improvement over CS3. i think the writing took a pretty major hit here, particulary the character interactions. the size of this game is inescapable, in good and bad ways. this is peak, AND rock bottom for this series at the same time.

a major step up in a lot of ways from CS1 and 2, CS3 is a much more refined game as opposed to the other cold steel games so far, in terms of writing and (mostly) gameplay. though brave orders are a bit too strong, and theres some balancing issues, i think this game has one of the strongest core casts out of the series, and that ending is mind blowing. really loved this game

definitely improves on CS1 in many ways, while also feeling like a weird step back from the 2nd games of older arcs. pretty great highs, but some decidedly low lows hamper this game. gameplay is strong as ever (if a bit on the broken side), probably becomes a worse game after playing future entries.

eating your vegetables pt. 2, but with less to look forward too. an essential, yet sometimes monotonous step in the Trails journey. great gameplay changes (for the most part) and a good last act save this game from being forgettable.

probably one of the best games I've ever played, and definitely the best jrpg I've ever played. improves on everything from Zero and the Sky trilogy, while setting up for the future perfectly. a few nitpicks here and there, but nothing that hampered my enjoyment or appreciation. i will forever carry this game's characters and message with me, truly special.

she said it was me or fishing... sometimes i miss her...

probably the best 1st game in the series tied with Kuro. crew dynamic is great, overarching plot is intriguing, some of the best music in the series, topped off by refined gameplay and a strong theme.

prefer this over SC slightly, improves on the gameplay in everyway, kevin is a great protagonist. neat, concise game.

this game starts slow, but ramps up haaaaaaard. chapter 5 onwards is peak.

eating your vegetables. definitely a fun romp with a really endearing cast and atmosphere, and some beautiful, nostalgic music. but there isn't really a lot going on here outside of character dynamics and a very engaging last act (kind of a Trails staple if i'm honest).

Definitely worth playing, especially for rest of the series, which is (mostly) excellent, but can definitely feel barebones or low stakes a lot of the time.