knocking your own eyeball out of the other players mouth is pretty funny

Gameplay is really fun, but held back by both lack of consistency in melee targeting and poor direction given during boss fights. Bombastic
Played entirely through online co-op.

Nice atmosphere from the music and visuals but the gameplay itself is bare bones. There are three endings but the two good endings sadly don't add anything to the story and only act as alternate win conditions.

i suck at tetris too much to like this

points docked for making me listen to guns and roses so oftem

no good puzzles, no good combat sections, lame ass boss
it SHOULD be cooler!!!!

Beat with steam input remapped to my xbox controller

bad business is undeniably good

man i wish this game had better ways to control your accuracy, many frustrating moments caused by having to roll the dice on whether your bullets are going to land

noir vulture is freaking scary as hell

i intentionally picked this over ultimate as a kid because i thought the boxart was cooler

smoking that dynasty mode with CFB Revamped

mediocre game with dogshit writing

wish it had a chill mode where i could just practice and vibe, it would be perfect then