20 reviews liked by townheretic

Very excited for Pony Island 2, Danny knows how to make a game. My on critique is that it kinda drags, don't wanna spoil but the onslaught of different gameplay elements gets annoying. Rad game.




I'm gonna say something controversial

This game is just SM64 for Gen Z and it's great

Definitely not as good as Battle for Bikini Bottom but it still holds up

Oddly enough 2006 was the year i discovered betrayal for the first time, I didn't think it would come in the form of a licensed kids game but i had to learn that lesson eventually I guess.

I love this game to death but oh my god i never want to touch Halo 2 Laso ever again

Deus Ex Mankind Divided suffers from the same narrative problems as its predecessor, it's all about augmentations all the time. This is in stark contrast to the original game where it grounded all of its societal issues in actual real-world issues,which I think helps future proof a game cause I don't think I'll see human augmentations anytime soon. Really the only thing keeping me going is Adam Jensen’s story line, I’m invested and I want to see it end. Naturally the game abruptly ends at the halfway point on cliffhanger ending. What the fuck? Seriously, the first time I played the game I thought it was a joke. Just as plot points were finally beginning to unravel and you were really about to make sense of the story the game rolls credits.

I seriously hope for another instalment in the series. The gameplay was solid, the side missions were really good, and the visuals hold up surprisingly well, but seeing as this came out in 2016 I’m not holding my breath. I may not agree with the narrative choices made, but I atleast want to see the series end and not have it stuck in this weird limbo where we might not ever get another game.

I seriously cannot overstate how abrupt the ending is. It’s like you're driving down a road and you're gaining more and more speed only for a wall to pop out of nowhere leading you to crash into it

Stop making games for people who like this I beg of you