It's never a good idea to play something when you know for sure it won't impact you in any way just because this something has cool concept and you have to distract yourself with something short and emotionally undemanding. Something-something
I need to be a little more picky with what I waste my time on now when I have to go to a war in the near future.

I didn't research any plot details beforehand, not even the synopsis, because I knew I would like it based on my (abrupt but nonetheless great) experience with the previous game from Lycoris. Initially, I was expecting a light yuri romcom with no stakes, similar to OshiLove (to be fair, I couldn't finish it; maybe I should have been more patient), but it certainly wasn’t that. Instead, UsoNatsu is the slow burn coming-of-age story with the most accurate representation of teenage years I've ever seen. Even though I'm a straight guy, a lot of themes and plot points were relatable for me.

There was a huge wall of text I decided to scrap because, even after an hour of thinking, I wasn't able to collect all my thoughts into something comprehensive. This VN is so much to me. Anger, anxiety, happiness, amusement, envy, regret, and a little bit of hope.

Also, there's a 1-hour-long prequel voice drama on youtube, but I would not recommend listening to it until you've played at least half of the game

UPD: This novel has completely destroyed me. Half a day has passed, and I still can't stop crying. I haven't felt this depressed since 2021, but now it's for a different reason. It's too sweet. Their relationship feels real, and the thought that I won't ever experience anything similar is soul-crushing.

I was pleasantly surprised to find an elderly man with dementia and a young single mom with stretch marks in my cozy farming sim. Even in this half-baked state, Coral Island has a lot of interesting characters, which are the main selling point. However, I'd recommend you do yourself a favor and wait a year or two before playing. It's going to be one of the best in the genre.


Tevi has fantastic pixel art, cool music, and an unexpectedly expensive cast (all dialogs are voiced), but the story kind of ruined it for me.

Also, this game is too easy on normal difficulty; you can faceroll any boss in the second half of the game (I always play my action games on normal because I'm a bad gamer). You can change the difficulty at almost any moment, so don't repeat my mistake and choose high or very high

It wasn't exactly "fun" (not a fan of "20 seconds to figure out, 2 minutes to execute" type of puzzles), but I can appreciate a good meditative experience, especially when it's so creative and pretty.

Hanamaru for Trinity, art direction, story, music.

F for gameplay.

My first Mario in ~18 years (Super Mario Bros.)
Prince Florian and poplins are kind of annoying. Music is repetitive and boring.
But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun.

It could have been a 10/10 if not for the dull music, stealth, and true ending silliness. Endgame puzzles are fine, but I don't vibe with this half-mystic half-sci-fi stuff that writers come up with when they're unsure how to elegantly conclude a story and explain everything, which is not always necessary.

Perfect game. Please recommend me something similar

Primitive and repetitive. If you enjoy listening to music or podcasts while playing mindless button-mashing games, you can easily waste more than 50 hours on it; otherwise, you'll drop it in 4.

(Finished all the quests in patch 1.7 version of the game)
I can't bring myself to give a live-service game a 10/10 but it was truly a magical experience. It reminded me of just how much I loved Disney and Pixar as a child.
My favorite movie was Atlantis: The Lost Empire (sadly it’s not popular enough to be included in this game (at least as of now)).
Yeah the game is exploitative and buggy (fortunately nothing critical in my case, I only had to reload 20 or so times after getting stuck in textures, while other people have been losing their saves) but I don’t really mind because it’s cute, bittersweet, and fun.

Check out my girl

Finished fy first Final Fantasy, XII. Don’t regret playing it, but kinda regret not playing IX, XIII, VIII, X, VI, or even VII first.

What I liked:
+ Characters (none of them are that interesting by themselves but they fit in the story very well)
+ Story
+ Story writing (also the English VA is superior (with the exception of Vaan))
+ Cinematography and cinematics
+ Most locations (nothing mind-blowing tho)
+ Gambit system (cool idea)
+ Speedmode (saved me dozens of hours)
+ Moogles

What I disliked:
- NPCs 😴
- Side quests 😴
- Gambit system (flawed, irritating realization)
- ”Crafting” system
- Espers and quickenings (obscure, boring, and useless)
- Dungeons
- Lack of QoL (maps, quests, and inventory are atrocious)
- Speedmode (is very fiddly because the original wasn’t designed to be played this way y’know)

Everything else is whatever.

P.S. Vaan is cool and not “useless” or “boring”.