Can sorta see where Insomniac Spiderman came from this game. A bit crass and the weapon progression kinda sucks but overall had a good time.

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Was somewhat mixed on it til the crazy twists of the epilogue. Overall an enjoyable murder mystery.

Very fun. Not the biggest fan of the ending but the rest of it made up for it.

A good first draft of a game. The presentation of the game was good but the controls could have used a lot more fine tuning.

Drags some in the backhalf but overall a good experience.

The platforming was awful but overall I had a good time with this game.

Would have loved this as a kid. As an adult, it is just an enjoyable diversion.

Fun but very slight. The PS5's trophies are broken as of today.

Enjoyed much more than when I tried playing it on DS. Still, bad backtracking in case 2, excessive use of the concert footage in case 3 and the absolute worst character in the franchise (so far) Spark Brushel knocked it down in my estimation.

A terrible "game" with interesting special features that could have been handled better. Probably would have bumped it up 1/2 a star if the some of the special features didn't cause the game to crash.

Being able to experience something akin to the old CDI Zeldas with competent controls was a pleasure. Only real issue was the padding out of time with excessive back tracking.

Nice compact RPG with alright writing and fun combat system. The main problem is way too many party members that don't feel distinct enough with customizable abilities that are not often worth it. Preferred Zeboyd's most recent other games like Chuthlu Saves Christmas and Cosmic Star Heroine more.

Loved most of the game other than the jump dash being broken on the Steam version so I couldn't get a bunch of the items.

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Was really enjoying it til we hit the space segment. The frustration of the enemies in that section knocked it down half a star.