a fun fast paced shooter. Kinda like Hades but good

you get to appreciate this game more if you replay the first one right after playing this.

pretty challenging and fun game

also beautiful to look at and play however combat somehow managed to get jankier and has an awful story.

beautiful to look at and play however has a pretty jank combat.

it's like Sims Medieval however you get to murder the people you don't like.

unexpectedly interesting story from a call of duty game.

campaign is meh for me, zombies is fun though.

pretty fun game and interesting setting

pretty fun, clunky to play nowadays though.

definitely doesn't live up to modern warfare 2's fun campaign and gameplay

fun campaign, casual fast shooter.

it's meh really, nothing terrible.

I played this game with 0 expectations since it was a DS game, completely blew me away.