๐Ÿ˜ญ i just dont see it.. the gunplay is incredibly clunky and tedious, the response curve for aiming feels terrible and the cover system is very frustrating. every fight rapidly devolves into mindless shootouts against endless waves of bullet sponge enemies that leave nothing to strategy or expression

truly peak sonic.... every daytime act is so tightly crafted to deliver a surfeit of speed, challenge and spectacle, and all matched with incredible visuals and sound design. the feeling of mastery you are asked to achieve from the controls and level design is unparalleled in any sonic game.. and despite the werehog's egression from the high speed of the daytime levels, he is still cool af..... his design is so fire >_> and carefully traversing and scaling the same areas you used to blast through is a fire dynamic and paired alongside the combat, it creates that polarity between the two styles in the narrative and the gameplay ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ it is peak

very impressive project but really it is just more sonic forces...... levels with long stretches of running in a line, homing attack chains, sidestepping -_- outside of the levels, some very gauche pacing and writing. the music for the final boss is fire though

dull, uninspired 3d gameplay and languid, monotonous 2d gameplay - paired with an otherwise super great presentation o_o especially playing on dolphin with the dx mod all the zones have great aesthetics and lighting, and the soundtrack is emphatic and pronounced throughout every act. it might trick you into thinking the game has any substance ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ญ

i love christmas...... the atmosphere is super christmas-y with the snowy levels and custom spritework and festive music โ„๏ธ๐ŸŽ„the bosses can be a little difficult but the level designs are good, and i think it is the perfect length for a game like this ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

actually pretty fun... i like how it has its own take on momentum with the rings and its fun learning how to leverage it ! and this system combined with the sandbox level design gives the game a better feeling of exploration than Sonic CD, tasking you to find the goal but still enabling you to go fast ๐Ÿ˜ however as the game goes on it becomes a little monotonous as it never scales up from what it introduces in the first levels of each zone, both of level design and in what it asks you to do with the ring mechanic...

perhaps it shall at once be recognized with an interminable veracity; as a truth only seldom challenged, that doomfist must be nerfed every season.... but this season has brought not just a nerf- its a mordant, rancorous endeavor to inveigle doomfist by veiling a nerf as a buff, and i would be a fool to interpret this as anything but pure vituperation against doomfist mains. doomfist meteor strike now costs more ult charge than winston primal while still having less impact, but now it has been mercifully granted the revilement of LESS healing than primal too. a change truly rooted in, if not acrimony, then absolute dubiety, which does nothing to enable an aggressive playstyle and is decidedly not an equitable exchange !

it feels impossible to front-run and playing in the pack feels like a complete gamble on if youre going to get spun out or just barely make it out alive >_> but the moments where it clicks and youre able to weave between everything feels like a scene from speed racer ๐Ÿ˜ญ

it is truly unfathomable how with complete equanimity they can again go through with the most contumelious and sleightful doomfist nerfs with the sole intent to disparage all those who play him... stunting the impact time on rocket punch not only makes his main kill confirm unreliable but it feels very unsatisfying to play with -_- i swear the enemies' stun time is less than the rocket punch follow-through animation ๐Ÿ˜’ disregarding the ill-suited opporbrium towards doom this season is okayโ˜บ๏ธ i really like the sombra rework shes a lot more fun ! the new map is good and the events and skins were decent and i liked the mauga beta it was really cool that they let us try them out

was very very fun to go through hordes of demons it feels so good to play ๐Ÿ˜ˆ i really like how the game sequentially introduced new mechanics because by the latter half of the game you feel super strong but not because youre overpowered ! it feels like you trained into it ๐Ÿ˜ญ learning how to weave all of the weapons and mechanics together and use the movement options agaisnt a bunch of different enemy types was very satisfying and fun. the gameplay loop is very engaging and the presentation was good with cool music, designs and finisher animations

unfortunately mid ๐Ÿ˜’ the heists lose their appeal after the first run which leaves you with the same map from last season with all of its tired issues carrying over. the lootpool is okay but i think the twin mag ar seems like an entirely superfluous gimmick that just feels worse to use than last seasons mk7, heals feel way too strong still but i like the burst smg and the mobility options. the battle pass was also good ๐Ÿ‘ but the worst part of this season is the new ui it is so terrible.... the new design language they are pushing not only completely clashes with the other aspects of the games visual identity, but also isn't even consistent within its own additions ? the layout is unintuitive, the navigation is clunky and it has broken on me several times already -_- legit the worst part of the season ๐Ÿ˜ญ

all of the changes and inclusions alongside the already well-tuned gun play and maps made this season very fun ! the new maps look great and feel really good to play.. the addition of cross core helmets makes the customization a lot more involved and creative, the battlepass has a cool theme and i really liked the orange ultimate rewards ๐Ÿ˜ˆ my favorite color ๐ŸŸ  i didnt really like the new extraction gamemode but with so many playlists its hard to complain๐Ÿ˜ญ this season is a lot of fun and i'm very excited for the upcoming events

very fun ! the movement feels very quick and fluid and the presentation is great too ! the art direction and animation look so lively, the music is super good and the talking flowers and the wonder seeds were funny ๐Ÿ˜ญ

the physics feel great and sonic feels really good to control in the zones that are designed around him, letting you move fast while not feeling like its mindless and automated. some of the music is really fire and there are definitely some standout tracks. there are several zones look very nice and showcase cool themes and some of new chaos abilities are useful and fun ! at the same time the opposite holds true to all of these ๐Ÿ˜’ other stages are completely vacuous in their layouts and aesthetic. a lot of the tracks feature strange choices in instrumentation and the audio mixing in general is kind of terrible ๐Ÿ˜ญ some of the sound effects are so loud and blown out for no reason fr. the majority of the emerald powers have incredibly limited use cases to the point i never used some of them in my play through. all of these negatives i have spoken for undeniably made the experience feel amateurish and maladroit but i did not have an outright bad time with it... but it should have been better

i really enjoyed this season ๐Ÿ˜ illari is super cool she has a great design and is really fun to play both as and with. the new flashpoint mode is little hit or miss.. a lot of the actual point layouts are very cool and i like the locations but i feel as though the distinction from koth just hurts the pacing ๐Ÿ˜’ having every point on one map makes it annoying to walk back to the point from spawn if youre not a mobility character -_- but the mode can still be fun because the actual points are well designed and the base mechanics of the game are great ๐Ÿ˜ข all of the characters feel good to play and they buffed doomfist slam by one second ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ˜ˆ