33 reviews liked by trucidee

Mario Kart wishes it could be this good

Weirdly horribly optimized for a shovelware Garfield game made for PC.
Still a 10/10 however, because it's Garfield Kart babyyyyyy.

This review was written before the game released

as an owner of a prepaid phone plan i sadly cannot play this, if anybody would be so kind as to leave your phone number down below so i can try it out i'd appreciate it (WOMEN ONLY) πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Amazing concept for a fighting game but kinda sucks it's multiplayer only with no interesting single player options. No story mode or not even a mode where you fight against a bot. All you really get is a single player match where you can just mess around and make a cool replay and that's fine but not something I would do, personally. Workshop support is cool thouigh

I’m ready to go to Vegas and bet my unborn child’s whole college fund



What a chore it is to be an intellectual. Perhaps someday we will discover philosophy. Until then there are only audio diaries.

Jonathan Blow is the Elon Musk of indie games