i played a bunch of this waiting for it to Click but it never really did with me, on account of im bad at platformers

this game is great, its formally great, the writing is good, its got a cool Mystery, and figuring out how to play it is Great

really liked this one a lot, some really cool ideas and the type of messy execution which appeals to me in high-budget releases

best one of these they ever made. one of those games which truly never ages; they just got it perfect.

naughty dog games really are all exactly the same and all completely horrible. badly written, horribly designed mess of a game.

funny and angry and confused and with something to say while thinking itself in knots. but still funny! and thats important

seems cool i guess but i dont like clicking things

hope you like pressing the A button literally one billion times just to make your slow idiot character move at a pace above a saunter. also its racist and badly written and boring.

the best video game about an apocalypse?

sorry folks this one is boring as shit

didnt go quite as hard on this one as i did SF4 but that just means i only played like 200hrs instead of 500.

real gamers scroll thru their indie games folder and find weird old test games and are like "yeah i'll log that, i remember that being cool." it was cool. if you dont fuck w prototypes then i dont fuck w you!

i got a big soft spot for this game but it's undeniably sort of a mess. like so many games of its type, i wish i could revisit it but strip out all the gunplay. im just here for the goofy plot and fun meta bits.