i really had low expectations when getting into this game but this game isn't... THAT bad? but i don't think it's really worth checking out if you aren't a berserk fan, even less a musou fan.

really mid platformer. but like, not even in an insulting way. it was kinda just awfully mid, it's worth checking out if you're interested but it's really just average in the end, it is solid and that's all it is

it could have been so peak... why.... WHY TELL ME...........

don't let genshin copers get to you this game is actually really fun if you're looking for an open world gacha. the echos are sick DO NOT LET THE HATERS GET TO YOU KURO GAMES MY KING

i'd let yuki takamiya give me a near death experience

when John Muramasa said "where there are full metals i slay them where there are daemons i slay them. mine is the way of the muramasa" i cried


yuki sakuba releasing this game in 1999 as cds for an very small amount of people not expecting the absoluetly insane cult following it has nowadays

the breasts in this game are bigger than the population of india

with the latest skins and characters theyve been releasing i'm wondering why this isn't a porn game


this game was actually so fun, it's a shame we never got the full contents of it but theres mods that fix that now and ive been playing it and this game is great

skies unknown all i see is skies of PEAK

this game is actually really cool imma be real,,, epic mickey truly is epic