HOLY CRAP! This is such an amazing game! Amazing RPG, and gun combat, mixed with a stellar story and atmosphere! After you buy this game, your wallet will still go jingle jangle as you can pick this game up for $2.50 on steam when on sale, and the complete for $5! PLAY THIS GAME! I spent 51 hours playing this game in the span of 10 Days! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER!

Good mechanics, but very repetitive and short. Glad it's free.

An amazing game! Gunplay is fun, and a major step up from the original. An enemy ran at me and yelled "monkey!" Only complaint is playing it on Xbox 360, a graphics issue causes ghosting like effects frequently on the screen, that usually fixes when switching areas. I get that this was a problem with the 360 and not game itself, but definitely play on the original, or master chief collection.

An amazing fighting game, the story mode was only about 2 1/2 hours long, but that was the perfect length for it. Amazing, and fun, will definitely be playing with friends.

HOLY CRAP! I wish I had played this amazing game sooner! I absolutely loved this game, and felt the pacing was perfect! The mechanics, and gun play are simple but amazing, and you always have just enough ammo to keep you looting throughout. The game was perfectly balanced, and definitely one of the best games ever made!

The game is amazing, with mostly beautiful pixel art. I get why people regard this game so high. Should play in your life time.

This was an amazing game, and looks amazing! I was stunned by the quality of the ending visuals, and enjoyed this shorter, but amazing game. The story was awesome, along with all of the combat mechanics! A very high reccomendation.

Was an amazingly fun game, with graphics that hold up amazing, and quite possibly one of the best soundtracks of all time. The one thing that is holding me back from putting this up higher is the late game (specifically starts ~40-60). It started to get a little repetitive, and the levels got annoying (I'm looking at you bullet bill, and lava levels). I would still recommend this game, as it is really fun, and definitely one of the best games on the wii.

The game is fun, but shows it's age especially when compared to the other call of duty games. The story was not memorable, with the exception of the final missions of each country. Over all, it's a decent world war 2 shooter, that I would only recommend to fans of the series.

This game was very fun, but later levels became very tedious. The GBA port of this game looks surprisingly good, and is a very nice art style. If you want to play, and aren't a platforming game lover it will take a little bit of patience, but it is worth it.

A very fun game, but my only gripe would be the level curve near the end but being that good. It might have been because I was trying to train a gible with an XP share, but it was only because you get a Lv. 18 one only after beating the 6th gym. The game was very charming and calming, with amazing pixel art. I loved polishing and playing music on the gym badges. Also that amazing Cynthia battle theme!

The game is definitely starting to show what is what I've heard an amazing series, but the maps are extremely repetitive. Most of them are 3-4 rooms repeated. Other then the maps it was a very fun experience.

A really underrated game! You can play it with simple arcade like button mash controls or go into more in depth combat in this amazingly designed combat system. The story is hilarious, and makes you laugh a lot. For it's price it's well worth it!

AAAAAAHH the credits gave me arthritis. It was worth it though

Amazing game, with an amazing story!!! It is the second best game in the series, only to 2. Don't get this on the 360, as this is the only negative. It is extremely buggy if you don't clear your system cache, then restart the console. I moved the save to the internal storage, but this might not affect the performance. If you get on another platform, or are okay doing this 100% pick this game up if you're a fan of the borderlands series, or even not.