remember when ken levine threw a fit because people were making porn of Elizabeth

there's an anime called akikan about a dude who buys a soda can that turns into a cute girl and imo watching that is better than playing this

yes the story is super corny even for Ace Combat standards, but the graphics and gameplay made up for it.

the fucked up thing is that this shitty meme game has genuinely great art

my mom used to stay up until late trying to beat this game

This could easily be the ultimate sims experience if
a) the game didn't shat itself when you try to use it with all the expansions, like expect to be on the loading screens for at least 10 minutes even if you have a modern beefy pc (the fact that they added a minigame on the loading screen tells you everything)
b) the sims didn't look so damn ugly

The low rating is because I played the PC port which was very bad

Played this because everyone on the game forum I used to post in praised it to hell and back for being a hidden gem. I found it to be mostly alright.
It looks nice, the timed attacks mechanic is cool and the plot is solid, but it doesn't really do anything outstanding.
Maybe for hardcore jrpg fans this might be pretty good comfort food (not every game has to reinvent the wheel), but for someone like me who isn't all that much into rpgs in general this is pretty much the poster child for "generic PS1 rpg" to me.

I wish more anime games would be this good at retelling its respective franchise's histories. The boss fights are amazing and really capture the anime feeling.

Resident Evil 2 is peak videogames

I liked it way better than the original Uncharted trilogy

I guess this series is just not for me, I found this to be a repetitive slog with uninteresting characters and an almost non-existing plot. The humour also didn't click with me at all.

its like uncharted but really miserable and unfun