I wish more anime games would be this good at retelling its respective franchise's histories. The boss fights are amazing and really capture the anime feeling.

I liked it way better than the original Uncharted trilogy

the game is fine, but aesthetically is the most soulless thing I have seen in a while

I guess this series is just not for me, I found this to be a repetitive slog with uninteresting characters and an almost non-existing plot. The humour also didn't click with me at all.

As you can already see by almost every other review here Drakengard is a borderline unplayable mess that's mostly praised because of how bold and utterly weird it is, however call me a simpleton but as interesting as what its setting to do may be its hard to excuse a gameplay this awful.
Drakengard's gameplay might be midly entertaining for like 10 minutes, then it gets just plain tedious, and to get every ending you have to go through the absolute slog of unlocking every weapon (which ends up amounting to most of the game time).
I do think that its interesting to have a game where the protagonist is a murderhobo, every ally you get is a terrible human being and the gameplay seems to drive the point that all you're engaging in is mindless violence that goes nowhere and just ends up making things worse, but I'm not sure it was worth at the end.
In any case the jooke's on me, because all Drakengard left me is the nerd clout of saying that I beat it and that I never want to touch it again.

While the banter is still good the plot is a step down from 2, it mostly ends up feeling like a poorly connected string of events that makes you go from one set piece to another.
The gameplay is fine, mostly the same as the previous games. Its biggest strength once again lies on its bombastic set pieces, which the game pulls off quite well although none of them reach the greatness of the train sequence in 2.
Overall after playing the entire trilogy I can see the appeal of these games, but I think that for the most part they are just ok. Maybe if I had played them when they came out I would have had a different opinion.

Resident Evil 2 is peak videogames

the fucked up thing is that this shitty meme game has genuinely great art

Hard to rate this without nostalgia goggles

Big improvement over the original, the setting is great. However I still can't help but find it extremely repetitive.

I remember the defending the jedi library mission kicking my ass

mmorpg that can be perfectly played as a single player game, its alright

I haven't played this recently so I don't know how it holds up, all I can say is that I have a lot of nostalgia for it. It was the first game I played when I got my first "decent" PC and I dedicated at least a couple hundred of hours to this.
What stuck with me the most is how crazy the sidequest were, the one were you entered a painting, the murder mistery, the one were if you stayed the night in the boat inn you suddenly were raided by pirates. Also the guilds, I fondly remember getting visited by the thiefs or the weird assassin cult when I killed someone, they all had their own pretty cool quest lines too.
Anyway the rating for this is purely based on my memories from when I played it when I was like 12 so don't take it too seriously.

Open world gets annoying, the game itself is pretty repetitive and the plot seems to be more concerned on setting up later entries rather than telling its own story.
However I can see why this game got so popular, some of the mechanics are genuinely cool.