"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

They gave sonic a sword and we somehow got gaslighted into thinking that it was a bad thing

made me cry like an anime fan on prom night

it may be misery porn that insists upon itself but its MY misery porn that insists upon itself

don't let the murder mystery plot trick you, this is ultimately a story about a redditor learning to become human

you can handcuff random civilians and throw pepper spray at them making it the most accurate cop simulator up to this date


move away persona, this is the actual best friend simulator

my sexual awakening was going to the brothel and paying for the dominatrix

Second Life has some genuinely cool stuff done by people like an entire recreation of Midgar from ff7 but most people will probably remember it because they once meet a furry avatar with a 15 inch dong

press F to hide inside a pile of corpses

oozes style but gameplay falls a bit short, also the plot doesn't seem to decide if it thinks that what you're doing is awful or its ok because there are worse people doing the same
OST is god tier tho

Really wants to be an HBO prestige series but often comes across as an extra edgy netflix drama

very fun arcade shooter that probably only me and 3 other people remember

Good mix of sports and moege, game looks really good and the presentation is above most visual novels.
Misaki my beloved.