6 reviews liked by ulysses98

the english dub of all time combat is janky as hell but the game in general is really good

kazuto arase can kiss my ass tho worst boss fight ever made

me cago en kyohei y su equipo de maricones

Very cool concept that just has aged horribly, I find it very hard to believe someone nowadays can beat this one without a guide/online map, everything just looks too identical. Atmosphere, music and graphics are on point and introducing Samus to the gaming landscape is worth praise alone but it's just a tough sell in 2024

Innovative and ambitious for it's time, just hard for me to go back to, awesome to see where it all started however


Éste es el juego bueno secreto de los Bioshock. Que nadie te sugiera lo contrario. Jugar como un Big Daddy está chulo, y cuidar a un solo personajes es mucho mejor que encargarse de un montón de muñecas indefinidas. Y el juego se muestra mucho más cómodo con su condición de parque temático. Lo hace menos "realista" (si es que había algo de realista en Bioshock), pero también mucho más entretenido.


This is the secret good Bioshock game. Let no one tell you otherwise. Playing a Big Daddy is cool and taking care of a single character instead of undefined girls is a lot better. And the game is a lot more self-conscious of its condition as a theme park. It makes it less "realistic" (whatever that means here), but also a lot more enjoyable.

At this point in time, the Final Fantasy series had created a pretty successful, albeit divisive at points, trilogy on the NES. These three games that would redefine the entirety of the RPG genre as we know it, garner many fans worldwide, and would cement the Final Fantasy series as Square/Square Enix’s flagship franchise from that point onwards. So naturally, after achieving a hat trick with those games, Square was ready to keep this gravy train rolling, with another installment in the series that would be the final entry for the NES, while preparing for what would come out for the SNES later. However, due to the fact that the SNES was about to be released, Square decided to shift gears and re-develop that NES game for this new system, and while they were at it, they were going to release it overseas as well… only, they would end up changing the name of the game to Final Fantasy II for us, because “lol, get fucked, America”. But anyway, just a few months after the SNES would come out for us in America, we would get this next chapter in the series, which we now truly know as Final Fantasy IV.

Before initially playing this game a good couple years ago, I had no clue about the reputation this game held, nor what it managed to do for the Final Fantasy series as a whole. I had just thought it was just gonna be another entry in the series, this time now being brought onto the next generation of consoles, with nothing else to really get too excited about. However, then I played through the game, and needless to say, I immediately fell in love with what I was presented with, as this game is, in my opinion, the best entry in the series that we had ever gotten at that point, and definitely my favorite of the series that I have played so far. Granted, it does have plenty of issues, ones that became abundantly more clear as the years would go by, but for what we have here, it is a massive leap in quality from the previous titles, and one that manages to take the series, and the genre as a whole, into new heights once again.

The story, for the time, was the most developed, character-focused, and engaging one not just in the series, but for video games as a whole, showing that video game stories didn’t have to be just one-note, and that they could show off plenty of emotions and dramatic moments when treated with care…………. even though, looking back, you can see that the story here is kind of a mess, but trust me, we will get into that later on. The graphics are pretty good, having plenty of great sprites for characters, enemies, and bosses, but when you look at it side by side with previous games, you can REALLY tell that it is just an NES game that was prettied up for the SNES, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is worth pointing out. The music is some of the best the series has ever had, with there being plenty of wonderful, iconic tunes that I love hearing even after having played it several years ago, such as with the boss theme, the common town theme, and, for my personal favorite track in the game, the Red Wings theme. And finally, as for the controls and gameplay, both of them work basically the exact same way that you would expect from a Final Fantasy game, but with notable changes that make the game so much more enjoyable by comparison.

The game is a traditional RPG, where you primarily take control of Cecil Harvey, go through plenty of different locations not just on the world that you live on, but also the Underworld and even the fucking moon at some point (yeah, things get pretty ridiculous), talk to plenty of NPCs that you will encounter who will either give you helpful hints/advice, or they will aid you on your quest in some way, find plenty of items that you can use to either upgrade yourself, get better items with from shops or otherwise, or to help you progress along in the game, and of course, get into random battles, where you will slash away at your foes before you either using your main weapon, spells, or whatever else you have lying around in your pockets, and gain experience points to level up and increase your stats. For the most part, it is your standard RPG through and through, which, even on its own, would’ve been fine enough to play through, and I would have had a good time with it. However, with the changes that this game implements, it sky-rockets it upwards into being some of the best content that I have seen out of this series so far, making me eager to get to the other titles in the series sooner or later to see where we can go from here.

In terms of the gameplay, not much has really changed, except for one key difference when it comes to the main battles, which now introduces the Active Time Battle system. Rather than taking turns to fight your opponents like in the previous Final Fantasy games, here, the battle is constantly moving, with characters taking turns based on whatever their speed is, allowing them to use commands faster than opponents in optimal scenarios. That may make the game sound pretty easy, but then you remember, the enemies can use this too, which means that, in a battle, you always have to be quick on your toes to use commands before your opponent can, making battle much more fun and exciting as a result. I have never played any other RPG before this that used this type of battle system, so needless to say, it was somewhat odd seeing this play out for the first time for me, but soon after, I quickly fell in love with it, and adored every second of it, as it did make things feel a lot more active, a lot more reactionary, and a lot more strategic, which made me get invested even more. It’s a good thing too, because apparently, this style will be used for plenty of other FF games later down the road, which I am all here for.

That’s really all that got changed for the gameplay though, as again, for the most part, it all plays practically the same as every other game in the series so far. In terms of other aspects of the game though, such as the story, the characters, and what occurs in said story… well, really, what hasn’t been changed? For the first time in any Final Fantasy game, or most other video games at the time for that matter, we have a set of characters that are already defined, have definitive personalities, relationships with other characters, and moments seen throughout that further define them. Yeah, we saw a brief bit of this in FF II, but that was pretty limited in terms of what it managed to do, as this game takes those ideas and pushes them even further.

Not to mention, each character also has a predetermined job class that they work with. You can no longer change up what job a character has, which does kinda suck, but at the same time, not only do the jobs that the characters get fit them pretty well, but they also grow and develop them overtime, learning better skills and different tactics to use in battle. This especially helps out with the boss fights, which do have more strategy to them rather than just “kill this guy while not getting killed yourself”, requiring you to pay attention to what they are doing while you continue attacking, as performing the wrong move at the wrong time can change the heat of the battle very quickly. With that being said though, for what we do get in this game in terms of character traits, dramatic moments, and character chemistry, it is all pretty basic, with elements that we have seen plenty of times ever since, which can make going back to this game feel generic and underwhelming as a result, but for what it is, I was still able to enjoy the cast of characters and the story that we got here… despite how flawed it comes off as.

Which speaking of, in terms of the story, again, it needs to be asked, what DIDN’T get changed? Out of all the Final Fantasy games so far, this one has the most developed and thorough storyline of the bunch, with plenty of character moments, overarching plotlines, and development that we have seen. On the surface, it is all pretty basic, just being another game about collecting a bunch of elemental crystals to stop a big, bad evil person, which is all well and good, but we also have Cecil going from his dark, “evil” nature to becoming a Paladin, Cain being brainwashed and needing to have himself snapped out of it by our party, Rydia losing her village and needing to learn to overcome her trauma, and several other moments that I haven’t mentioned here. Again, a lot of this is pretty basic looking back, but around the time when most video game stories were “Go save your girl” or “Go kill this big evil thing”, this went a long way, influencing video game storytelling all the way up to this day.

However, this then leads perfectly into one of the biggest problems with the game: again, the story is kind of a mess. Yes, it is pretty generic all things considered, and some parts of it have definitely not aged well over time, but when you ignore all that, there’s also several other elements of the story that feel overused and are, to put it bluntly, fucking stupid. First of all, throughout the journey, you will lose a lot of party members, such as with Cid, Porum and Pallum, Yang, and so on and so forth, with you being led to believe that all of them sacrificed themselves for the sake of your quest. But then, as you keep going through the game, you then learn that everyone is ok, and almost nobody ended up dying whatsoever! So with that being said, I have to ask, what was the point of all those fake-out deaths? Sure, a fake-out death can be effective when used correctly, and for most part, they are all pretty well done, but the more times you end up doing this, it not only becomes more predictable and less effective, but it also becomes, again, fucking stupid.

And speaking of fucking stupid, there is also the means in which a lot of the plot elements in this game are carried out. For some reason, Cecil has the biggest case of Murphy's Law that I have ever seen, as whenever he and his crew go on to doing anything in this game, and I really do mean anything, SOMETHING will go wrong, and prolong the journey forward. It all usually involves them going to some place, finding out the problem in said place, taking care of said problem, only to then have the reward or goal snatched away from them in the last second because “Ha ha, FUCK YOU”. There is one part of the game that stands out heavily when it comes to this. It’s when Cecil and the gang defeat Golbez, one of the game’s villains, inside of this sanctuary that holds one of the crystals they need. While celebrating their defeat and discussing what they should do next, Golbez’s hand starts to crawl around the room and go towards the crystal. Cecil and the crew then proceed to watch this hand go up to the crystal, steal it away, and then leave, WHILE DOING NOTHING AT ALL TO STOP IT. Call this story good all you want, but moments like that you cannot defend, as it is just way too stupid to justify.

But don’t worry, my problems with the game don’t just go as far as the story, because oh no, I got some gripes with the game too, albeit very minor ones. Most of the gameplay works pretty well, and again, I would consider it to be the best in the entire series so far, but like with all of these games so far, there just seems to be one or two areas that’s entire purpose is to piss you off. One such place is the Sealed Cave, a location in the Underworld that has one of the crystals you need to get, but it is filled to the brim with these Trap Door enemies, who can all throw themselves into lava for all I care. They can do massive damage to you whenever you fight them, most of the time even one-shotting party members, and to top it all off, they can split into multiple enemies, which can also mean more damage can be dealt to you. But then again, these kinds of issues only apply to one or two areas throughout the entire game, and even then, if you are playing the original SNES version of the game (the US version, anyway), it is very easy, so there aren’t too many instances where you will have a lot of hard-as-hell situations to deal with.

Overall though, despite having one or two annoying areas to go through, as well as a story that is repetitive and flawed when looking back on it, FFIV is, without a doubt in my mind, the best game in the series so far, bringing the classic gameplay to the next generation of consoles in a brand new and exciting way, while further enhancing elements like the story and characters even further, influencing not just RPGs, but all of video games further as a result. I would absolutely recommend it not just for those who are big fans of FF and RPGs in general, but also for someone who wants to get into either FF or RPGs in general, because while it may not be one of the most approachable or beloved game of the series, it is one of the best places to start, and I cannot recommend it enough. Although, now that I think about it, this game sets a pretty high bar for the next game to top. I’m not sure how it will be able to do it. I dunno, maybe they will find a way………. or, you know, they might fumble the ball along the way.

Game #503

Primera vez en la historia de Super Mario que una de sus entregas principales sabe a decadencia. Nunca antes, ni siquiera en los juegos más derivativos de la serie principal (World, Galaxy 2, 3D World), había olido a falta de ideas nuevas. Hasta ahora.

Super Mario Odyssey es un Greatest Hits encubierto. El viaje que hacemos por los distintos mundos del juego bien puede interpretarse como una visita guiada a través de los distintos títulos de la saga. Hay 64 en la filosofía híbrida de los niveles y el nostalgia trip del Reino Champiñón, hay Sunshine en la extensión de movimientos de Cappy y la arquitectura realista (y vertical) de New Donk City, hay Galaxy en el diseño de los power-ups y la navegación del Reino de Bowser, y hay 3D Land en algunos de los tramos más plataformeros para obtener lunas. Hasta la vertiente 2D de la saga tiene su hueco en numerosos desafíos bidimensionales, con Mario pixelándose y dándonos un botón para acelerar. La banda sonora es así también, en ella hay de todo (ritmo, ambiente, épica...), y de un mundo a otro no permanece intacta ni la estética. Esto es un popurrí, y para cuando llegamos a la celebración del festival (con homenaje al Donkey Kong original incluido) nos damos cuenta de qué tipo: rebozado. Odyssey tiene sabor a repaso, a nivel final rememorando lo aprendido made by Nintendo.

Y lo preocupante es la razón de esta mirada atrás. Cappy poseyendo cuerpos a modo de reinterpretación del power-up de toda la vida es quizá el mayor fracaso de la historia de Super Mario. Nunca ha tenido el jugador tantas opciones y formas de jugar, y nunca habían sido estas tan evidentemente accesorias, planas, gimmicks. De usar y tirar. Pareciera una metáfora involuntaria del punto en que se encuentra la saga con Odyssey: Mario poseyendo cuerpos para resolver lo que toca y luego a otra cosa es Nintendo tratando de buscar nuevas vías para su saga y fracasando en cada intento. Después de tres décadas parece no quedar nada dentro de Mario, así que toca buscar fuera, pero la búsqueda resulta infructuosa y no da respuestas. A cada nuevo cuerpo, un par de usos y hasta luego; a cada nuevo intento, un fracaso y vuelta a saltar. No se libra ni el moveset de Cappy, la mayor baza del juego. Los combos saltimbanquis son rebuscados y extremos, otro intento desesperado por hacer algo nuevo con el movimiento. Ni siquiera tienen lógica, tan solo existen, y el jugador aprende a dominarlos porque exprimir sus mecánicas es satisfactorio en sí mismo (algo que Super Mario, por suerte, todavía no ha perdido).

La experiencia de jugar Odyssey consiste en pasar por un conglomerado de convenciones de diseño de Mario en pos de recolectar lunas. Hay exploración, coleccionismo, retos de habilidad y de todo. Y una gran parte del mix agota, se siente trabajo. Habrá quien diga que, como nosotros elegimos las lunas que queremos obtener, es culpa nuestra si acabamos realizando misiones aburridas en vez de ir a por la parte divertida. A este argumento yo replicaría que la realidad de la experiencia de jugar Odyssey es otra: el jugador explora los mundos que se le presentan e inevitablemente, por su objetivo de dar con y acumular lunas, trata de hacerse con las que se le cruzan por delante, o al menos la mayoría. Como consecuencia, una parte sustancial del juego será aburrida e insatisfactoria, dejando mal sabor de boca.

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