Great potential with cool ideas, terrible writing with awful jokes every 5 seconds, takes you out of the scene's feeling

The game was originally inspired by the german serial killer, ''Amon Gus'', it has a dark past but it's meant to replicate his crimes that are suspicious and sustained throughout the game. I don't get it but whenever I open up the game sus and similar gibberish appear over my screen, I tried to close the game but it gave me one of those astronauts in yellow shaking it's ass, after I saw that I couldn't keep it up for atleast a few months. The game has ruined my life in points I can't explain. I'm kept hostage around a year for now, I'd like this whole 'Among us' witchcraft to get out of my head before I snap out. It'd be nice if anyone were able to come over InnerSloth Headquarters.

One of the best video games in my opinion, as this made me love Yakuza after finishing 1. Firstly even by watching the bosses alone, the pacing is clean, clean as shit. It's all amazing and perfectly done. Second, the story even if it takes two characters manages to focus on both at the same time in a healthy form. In my opinion Majima's story was more interesting but they tie up to each other in the end. Both characters' young selves show the struggles they're going through and how they were back then, amazing stuff. The combat is probably the best, even better than Yakuza 5. One thing, upgrading is a pain in the ass, the system is explained well but it just doesn't work well... Unless you become a millionaire. Side content for the game are great aswell, and the story's solid as fuck. Amazing game, 10/10.

Beautiful story to end the legendary Dragon of Dojima. It's another heartwarming story which is short yet wonderful. Villians are just so sick, like Joon-Gi's too fucking good, a throwback to Y2 at the same time. And also, about throwbacks, this game captures tons of references to the past. I'd say it mainly did of Yakuza 3 a lot in this game, with even them sharing VA's. Characters like Someya are one of the best in the series and they God damn fit so well for how far Kiryu has come.

Music in the game are pretty nice, Destiny and Way of Life are fucking top tier but other than that the rock and orchestra combination fits the game. I like how some are similar to old tracks, like the long battle theme being similar to Illtreatment from 3's melody. Only a small amount feel generic like when you get spotted by thugs. It's great music overall, fitting for the end of everything theme 'Song of Life' they were going for.

Twists were nice, which is rare in the series! Only thing this game suffers is lack of activity in Hiroshima and how it brings back Akiyama, he never sticks to his ideals and is all like 'Well you'd do better than me anyways' despite literally going against and fighting Kiryu, mehh. Second is... combat, Someya and Joon-Gi are pretty good fights, but its overall TOO dodgy, your hits don't feel powerful or rewarding.

Just as the original, the perfect detective game. PERFECT

This review contains spoilers

The lives system is a terrible design choice, the bosses and combat are pretty damn good, the mechanics are kinda hit or miss, crazy fitting soundtrack for the tones. The game lacks story overall, and the little story it has got in itself? Pretty shit. There were a few good moments like afterward Vergil's final battle, or that famous LIIIIIGHTTTT scene. The light scene was ruined in the end though, so take that. Some of the bosses SUCKED ASS, Nightmare? It's a fucking nightmare I'm telling you. Mundus? The first two phases? Boring boring boring as fuck. Other than that, most bosses are okay. Vergil is top tier, but there are awful ones out there. Not a bad game overall, it just has a few shit design choices and the tone is too edgy it gets boring over time. Other than that it's pretty alright!

I thought this game might be a bit more interesting than 1, I knew combat was piss easy but I gave it a chance. What I got in return was something I'd never want to go through of again, the puzzles are worse than the first game, the platform sections made me puke multiple points losing my shit, some of the bosses are extremely fucking annoying, I really wonder what the team thought of while designing some of them. I see why it turned this low piece of a shit though, funny enough this game was directed/written by the same guy who made 3, Hideaki Itsuno. In an interview of the 2nd game I saw that he just said fucking 'Please let me work on 3 already', or something along those lines. Most likely he came through in the middle of 2's development, so it became even a bigger wreck than it'd normally be, unfortunately he came in late so this thing couldn't possibly be 'fixed'. This game doesn't have a story, only a matter of actions and things happen around... Like randomly put videos together! Fuck me, fuck this game and I won't be playing Lucia, I already watched through some of that shit, even after that the story doesn't make one fucking shit sense to me, and everybody else who played this nightmare, more like the nightmare from the first game

Cool piece of media... painful game

Exact definition of a roleplaying game. Your choices DO matter

I kinda wanted to review this game beacuse of how influential it has become on this medium which fortunate enough has gotten the credit it deserved. I had a total blast the week I was playing this, I'll say that this game no matter is a must try for what it holds.

-Gameplay side of things here
Before I begin I'll be mentioning tonsa cons here at the beginning, please don't take this the wrong way as this game is one of the best out there for the action genre and is 100% worth playing. The more the review goes more interesting and positive stuff I'll be talking about this game, so with that it's time for Jack to LET 'ER RIP!
I'll talk about how fantastic the mission select type of system they go with on the menu, I've played the shit out of them whenever I was bored and MGR become one of the games I've played most over and over, this game has GREAT replay value except a few stuff there and there like sections that take longer time when I just wanna kick boss ass, but this was amazing and was a life saver when I wanted to play some ninja action espionage, anyway let's get to our mechanics. I'm pretty sure most people know this game for it's nicely executed ninja styled mechanics given to our Raiden. Most importantly the so cool lookin blade mode it's got. For blade mode I'd say it might've become the main feature for this game and I've had my thoughts on it. To me this mechanic at first sight a total killer can become a bit repetitive and lose it's charm as it gets overused throughout hours of playtime this game offers us. While I enjoyed my time chopping things to hamburger with this addition by time it started to become less and less dynamic to use, along with our other mechanics it just kinda felt a little dull over time in my opinion with things not overall adding up in a great balance. You can do a lot of cool ass tricks with the mode like walking while in the blade mode, cutting multiple hearts out in one hit which all add to it's replay value in my opinion.With those said for blade mode, the ninja run on the other side was a fantastic looking feature with probably the most fluid animations as well as impact I've seen. This game is amazing in terms of how it plays out in animation and execution, so that's something it highly deserves in the aspect. Though I think ninja run somewhat suffered from, well... Doing too much on it's own. When you run parkourin down the streets and underground it does look very cool, but it's just doesn't require too much effort to do so, When running normally it's pretty good and dynamic, but when used during those chase sections and so on it kinda feels like it could be somewhat more in depth, but devs didn't have enough time for it... This one is really just my opinion, and quite a bit of the problem only I've felt when playing through, but it was pretty cool overall looking at what it is. Lastly few mechanics like the little stealth mode and so on, those felt somewhat forced in my opinion with not having much use overall, unless you'd go for a -stealth approach-. This game really suffers from forcing stealth into the shit fucking action it offers, I'd be cool with it if it was actually needed in order to pass said sections... But the problem really is that it's too optional to the point it's not even needed. It shows you --could-- give it a stealthy approach but at the same time reminds you of what your capable of, so it pretty much pointless in the end.
In my opinion the parrying system is pretty uniqe and works well for what it is, on a game where you can't do much other than jump, so I say it works pretty damn well. For the main combos and so on, I also had a big problem in the system it got along with. The game runs smoother than whatever butter you find but if you wanna pull of specific combos you found kick ass, you gotta check that HELP menu or write them down on a paper for hell's sake. Unlike something like Devil May Cry where combos are balanced in overall count and how you trigger them, MGR has them, but goes with the easier option of having so so specific button orders you can't even really keep up with, especially something like in your first playthrough. While you mash buttons on random so it doesn't become much of a problem, the addition of all these different combos especially in other weapons this game offers could easily go to waste, you can literally go beyblade Majima breaker stylin on your enemies but you may not even know that sorta thing could be pulled of in your first playthrough. It's well, as I've used the word a lot not quite dynamic, in the way I see it. For the final point and where I probably had the most problems with... Enemy design. Normal enemies in this game tend to be either alright or straight up horrible like them monkeees. You could actually master the patterns the more you play through and kick their ass like they're nothing but most first playthroughs could be a pain in the ass. Some stuff like the elevators and so on are just not fun at all, most enemies especially when combined kinda make a mess and aren't overall balanced dealing with all together. The game offers you a lot to play with so you could go mastering stuff the more you play but as I said it could overall be better in my opinion. I also really dislike the analog mashes with the qte type of stuff enemies tend to force you into, other stuff are fine... Like them BOSSES. Bosses, what this game wins and the total reason to play it is them boss battles. This game probably has the most, you guessed it, dynamic bosses in most action titles out there. This game isn't like others, it's playful, it takes advantage of it's design, it uses everything it's got to give you something you never felt, if not the best in the entertainment medium of games. This is gameplay, so we'll get to that sound design later, but they all work together in a fantastic fashion you just can't get un-hypie hypie. In terms of gameplay, the bosses really shine through showing you what it's been keeping with everything you've learned up to this point, most if not all of them are balanced in a way where all are just gems to go through. They truly put your skills to test with letting you take total advantage of what you've learned up to this point, each boss shows a uniqe way to approach them with most still staying in their group of you parrying their attacks. The ideas are executed in a way so smooth all the uniqe attacks these bosses use are just so damn good, one goin total anime style running into you, one using it's damn shield as a weapon while one goes beatin you up with them nanomachines. During all this the voice acting, music and little events surrounding these bosses just make them so so memorable and fun to go through. -Value in the entertainment genre and it's true potential
Whenever I look back at this game it really shows the golden time of PS3 and it's genre around the era. But what is more important about this piece is how well it really uses it's medium and what I'd exactly define what entertainment value is. As a product this game shines through others with going balls out in tropes you could wish to see in a million years. It uses it's music as a part of what it's true medium in the genre is, as a video game, maybe more so than the actual action gameplay it offers, or the somewhat goofy story it brings, anything but the design in music, style and maybe even visuals. This is a few games where style and substance might be very well balanced aswell, and maybe so even really really tricking the viewer into using it's style to cover whatever there is in the substance area, which it does highly succeed beacuse of how well executed this game is, as I said many times over and over. As time passes video games are less limited to try new and uniqe experiences, say music, most wouldn't unfortunately expect what comes out of MGR to be full 'video game' music. It uses the potential to it's highest point and isn't scared of trying something new, intense and exactly hype. Now there are a lot of games with stylish music that fits it's tones, my favorites would be the Yakuza series and so so on. But what really separates this hell of a game is the usage of the material and how playfully it uses things given out to this gem. Everything is in favour of this game, voice acting adds to music and music adds to VO while they also add to the visuals and lastly make out one of the greatest works of style in video games. Many developers come up with interesting things, No More Heroes and Killer7, most games of Suda are extremely playful around the way it uses it's style and lets you know that it does put style over substance for the most part.
But for me MGR is something of an achievement in video game history in truly opening gates to design like this. THAT is why it might be one of the most if not the most influential game to come out in some time. I told you, when I look at this game it reminds me of that somewhat punk action themed era where everybody loved badassery to it's max level which is a treat to look upon and hard to believe this was a Metal Gear game, but it just feels almost abstract to see this flawed yet amazing helluva game that has achieved gold by how it uses it's style, to the point where the flaws almost don't bother you yet you always know they're there. It's just that type of game and has been somewhat special, it being popular also added to this but that was the feel I got along with what it truly brings to the whole industry of gaming. In short... It's worth playing. It is worth it.

The ending truly broke something inside me, I'll cry no matter how many times I see it, one of the best performances of voice acting and the stunning cutscenes these game provide. The story is rich and very positive with the most cute fucking messeages inside of it, gameplay wise it can be an ass, difficulty spikes are everywhere (Kiryu is just so painful it's not funny) and most systems were shallow honestly, same goes for overwold EXCEPT the new city which's a really nice place and has a sense of exploration which Yakuza didn't have much other than 5 or 6 on Hiroshima. One should play it just for the beautiful ending.

A huge disaster of writing and mess of long cutscenes, yet a beautiful end to the series no matter how funny things get. Gameplay just redefines the masterpieces like MGS3 and has so much to explore, no matter what a must play especially for PS3 owners, HERE'S TO YOU!!!

this was a really obscure one to go through, i really wanna learn more about why this was made and the production, playign through it feels like the people working on were pretty respectful fans to the original ashita no joe and had fun with this!!! its ofc clunky and pretty low budget, cant say i really enjoy the game but its a very cute ride and great if you're a fan of joe, the 3d models look so cool and some of the gameplay is kinda interesting and unique!!! interesting design choices, maybe some other games picked up from this obscure title? judgement's boxing minigame reminds me a bit of this but i still didnt play it so i dont know if it was the same design hahahaha, its worth your time but i cant promise you'll unlock much without a lot of tedious fights, still it has a story mode and is really really a chill treat to go through if you're a fan of the series