me playing this video game: this is neat

me reading an incoherent twitter thread from one of the creators about how non-violent games are stupid and violent video games are praxis and that's what made Paratopic good: this isn't neat

Cool art and vibe, way too hard, like most old shmups. A later level throws so much shit on the screen that it's hard to tell what's bullets and what's scenery. Still, it's a pretty neat game.

We have fed you all for a thousand years,
And you hail us still unfed,
Though there's never a dollar of all your wealth,
But marks the workers' dead,
We have yielded our best to give you rest,
And you lie on crimson wool,
And if time be the price of all your wealth,
Good God! We have paid in full!

I'm not really sure about the purpose of this game. As a strategy game, it lacks a significant challenge or depth. As a "serious game", it doesn't do a lot of educating. As a piece of propaganda (which I am not using as a snarl term here), it doesn't do a lot of convincing. Altogether it feels like a mush. At least it has great art with cute animals?

While I really liked this game from a standpoint of design, and love the visuals, the story itself left me feeling kind of indifferent.


A promising premise (using the ball is an interesting mechanic) with some pretty stunning animation, unfortunately hampered by sluggish controls and pretty forgettable level design

Well, I'll give it this: it's successful in generating a Metroidvania map. The problem is that the result is something so cold and lifeless that every run felt like a waste of time.

Remember that time people started hurting their wrist from playing too much Wii Tennis and they started calling it "Wiitis"? I do.

They have replaced the credits theme in subsequent releases, proving that the games industry is full of cowards

Maybe I'll come back to this someday and get Problem Attic. Understand what it's saying, and feel what I'm supposed to feel about it. I would like to. I've heard there is something meaningful and beautiful in here. But I couldn't find it.

Something I find very interesting is how a lot of the reviews I'm seeing for this game are about the story, about the writing, or about the performance of the main character. And criticisms of those things are fair, sure.

But for me, when I think of Her Story, I don't remember the story. Really at all. What I remember is a sensation. The sensation of clawing and scrounging through a poorly formatted database, looking for answers, roughly assembling meaning out of snippets of conversation.

That's a sensation I found really, really engaging.


I think Eliza has a lot of really great moments, with really great writing at times, and that it spends a lot of time exploring interesting questions about tech culture and mental health with nuance and care. It also has great solitaire.

But unfortunately, I don't think it quite sticks the landing, specifically in its endings, which left me feeling pretty unhappy with how many of its themes were reduced into their extremes.

It's still an excellent game, but I left it with some frustration at that.

Love the combat and the job system, and it has a great art style, but the story, characters, and honestly pretty much everything else bored me to tears.


Maybe I'm biased, I instantly found a seemingly-infinitely repeatable solution. Go play Threes instead.

nope. not even gonna try to quantify any of this shit