This remaster is what finally made me click with Prime. The dual stick, less mashy controls made it immensely more comfortable to play and I couldn't stop until I finished it. Now it's maybe the most immersive thing I've ever played. The HUD is used so creatively to simulate a real high tech space suit and there's countless realistic visual touches. The planet feels truly alive and its atmosphere can be peaceful, tense, downright sinister. This is the best Metroid OST I've come across since Super - I would put them on the same tier with how perfectly they create the mood (and how much they bang). With the redone graphics I felt like I'd been fully absorbed into its world. The usual progression system and platforming in 3D space is incredibly satisfying, the majority of areas are well crafted and the morph ball in particular is completely transformed as a mechanic. It's insane they got it this right on the first try. When it comes to exploration, puzzles and environmental storytelling this is as good as it gets.

Sadly I can't say the same about the gunplay, which I found to be mediocre at best and an absolute mess at worst. There are a few standout boss fights but 1 on 1 gunfights are just not good at all. As it was originally designed for the GC controller and combat isn't the main focus, I could ignore this for the first half. But in the later areas it's like they really wanted you to notice how weak it is. Phazon Mines forces you to fight an entire gauntlet of strong enemies with no save stations for a long period of time, and you basically just exploit the poor AI to get through or tank a lot of damage. Ghost enemies appear all over the world map at the end to bring more annoyance.

Prime was yet another victim of Nintendo's GameCube era crunching. Exactly like Wind Waker you have to do a big collectathon to get to the final boss (and pad out the play time with backtracking) and there's a tiny area that seems like it was cut down due to time constraints (Impact Crater). Thankfully these downsides weren't enough to ruin my experience but it could be very frustrating at times, and the perfect gameplay flow was spoiled. I so wish they had taken this opportunity to make some changes but I guess it is JUST a "remaster" at the end of the day...

In short don't think of this as some FPS classic - if you're here purely for shooting you won't be satisfied. It's adventure / Metroidvania first and foremost and it's one of the best in those genres.

The kind of video game that reminds me why I love the medium. Non stop action with a 90s dystopia anime inspired setting and immaculate vibes. Easily one of the best most technically impressive N64 titles and everyone should give it a try.

P3P is something that would have been a lot more novel at the time of its release. Having this big PS2 game on a handheld in 2009. The actual combat and dungeons are pretty much perfectly converted from the original console versions, but it's outside of this where it falls short. So much impact is lost in the cutscenes with this new visual novel style with no models or animations, or even any detailed drawings for important moments - just screenshots of the PS2 anime cutscenes at most. In general the presentation is a huge step down and can be pretty ugly, eg those abysmal AOA portraits. It's way less immersive with no actual city to run around. So this was fine for existing fans back then, but in recent times this has become the most played version of P3 by newcomers by FAR due to how easy it is to emulate, and since last year it's officially available on all modern platforms. It really sucks because FES is sooo much better overall and it's only purchasable on... the PS3 store.

The most notable change - I don't think Portable's full control combat is necessarily "superior". FES tactics system works perfectly fine if you aren't stupid, and every enemy was designed around that system so the balancing is now a bit messed up. I enjoy the styles of both. There's a decent amount of new content, some great social links added that made me see new sides of certain characters, and the option to play from a female perspective is nice to have even if it didn't change nearly as much as I would have thought. I do love the new songs Kotone has but you can tell Meguro was in P4 mode at this time because they don't really fit in with P3's style. In any case it's still hugely disappointing that we will never see an ultimate version with all content from FES and Portable. Gonna be missing some of this in Reload.

Still one of the greatest 2D platformers ever made. It's insanely hard but the level design is so perfect and feels much more fair than the previous entry. Once you've mastered it it's incredibly fun to blast through these levels in one go. Wonderful stage theming and the soundtrack is heavenly, David Wise's finest work. I just love everything about this game.

My thoughts as a long time 2D Sonic enjoyer. I wanna start by saying the retail price is outrageous. This is not anywhere close to the quality of Nintendo's 2D games (which are also overpriced). Sonic games are made with lower budgets than ever but they want you to pay more for them. Releasing this in the same week as Mario Wonder is just embarassing.

The first few zones are genuinely good. It's not in the same league as older games and feels messy, but there's KINDA original level theming, a lot of cool fresh new concepts and enemy designs, a new 3D special stage. Its level design is more akin to the erratic CD than 3K but I initally didn't mind that. Control and physics are fairly close to Mania and felt natural to get into. Bosses can go on for way too long but I initially found that they were surprisingly creative and challenging. It's after you reach halfway that all of this takes a nosedive and the jank becomes too much. The last zones feel thrown together to make the 12 total and have you constantly stopping and dying to random unreactable shit. Golden Capital is the worst. This is what YouTubers THINK classic Sonic is. Anyone who's not usually good with Sonic gameplay is probably going to detest the whole experience, which confuses me as this entry seems to be so casual oriented. I can't even imagine how 4 player multiplayer is supposed to work.

The lamer half is not helped to make more exciting by the lacking aesthetic in comparison to CD or Mania's striking art styles, and the most forgettable OST of the entire series. A few tracks sound like Tee Lopes, but a lot of them sound straight up repurposed from Sonic 4. A forced fake "RETRO" sound that doesn't fit. There is a single standout that sounds like a lost Saturn era song, that would've been a way cooler direction for the OST. Sonic music used to be the one thing you could rely on! I can tell there was at least some passion put into this from its animations and so on, and it's easily better than Frontiers, but it's still unbelievable how a series so well known keeps feeling so amateur.

All in all it's okay if frustrating, and might become more fun after more plays to adjust to the bullshit - if I even find it to be replayable. 3K and Mania obliterate it and it also pales in comparison to most 2D titles. I am legit heartbroken that Mania 2 died for THIS. I would rather get more 2D adventures like Rush if we have to lose the sprites. Wait for a big price cut

(Played on PS4 not the bad PS3 port)

One of the best character action games ever made that not only rivals DMC but surpasses it at times. It's got a similar intricate stylish combat system but it's unique in being heavily based around long aerial combos and slowing down time with perfect dodges. You spawn torture devices out of thin air and summon demons with your hair to execute your enemies. Of all things, the level design is reminiscent of Mario Galaxy with all its walking on walls and planetoids. It's all very wacky and gory and a non-stop adrenaline rush.

It's also brutally difficult, but it allows you a sense of power if you can keep your enemies in the air and have perfect reflexes. For the most part I think the challenge is fair and the mechanics are balanced, that power is earned with your own skill and spamming will get you nowhere. (I say all this because these are key elements the sequel lost.) I don't care for the story but Bayonetta herself is a very enjoyable character, her English voice actor really brought her to life. I loved all the references to Capcom and SEGA stuff.

In my eyes this is the most consistent and complete game Platinum ever put out, it has so much soul and it meant all their games I've tried since have left me with varying degrees of disappointment. That's not to say it doesn't also have some pretty glaring flaws of its own, such as the instant death QTEs and the obscenely long missile shoot em up level (that's attached to the best boss in the game) but I can overlook them.

A dark mix of classic 3D Zelda, Shadow of the Colossus, Castlevania and light dating sim elements..? I generally enjoyed the loop of going to the dungeons, solving puzzles and bringing back flesh before time runs out, keeping Elena from transforming into a monster and growing the bond with her. Your chain basically doubles as a hookshot and whip and there's a lot of climbing and swinging around which is quite fun. Each boss fight is a puzzle in itself and they can feel pretty grand. Despite taking a lot from other games I mentioned, the curse aspect, lore and variety of endings gave it its own thing.

I have to say there was a lot of room for improvement. Gameplay is kinda janky. Towers start to reuse old interiors and ideas halfway through very noticeably, and feeling of repetition can start to set in. I wish that Aeron was more of a character with more voiced lines, so their relationship didn't feel one sided. No original compositions was also a bit of a disappointment for me, the dungeon music got old fast. But for a studio's first attempt at making an original IP, it honestly turned out surprisingly well, it's not something forgettable. Sadly Ganbarion were sent back to Namco's basement to make One Piece games forever.

This awesome game filled the Kid Icarus Uprising shaped void in my heart, I wish I'd found it sooner. I just think the last few stages went on for too long and could have used more breaks

(Played using BetterSADX, Dreamcast Conversion and JP Retranslated mods)

"Aged poorly" is a meme phrase at this point but SA1 genuinely has. It must not be forgotten that these graphics and setpieces were mind blowing compared to the competition in 1998. It was well recieved in its day. The stage design and mechanics are a genuinely great adaptation of 2D Sonic to 3D no matter what Nintendo YouTubers said about "rocky transitions", it shows a dramatic emotional story from 6 different connected perspectives and has a killer soundtrack. At this point the Sonic series went full shonen. But playing it today you're really gonna feel the extreme jank, the emptiness of hub worlds, the pathetically easy boss fights, the awkward animations and timing in cutscenes, the lifeless English voice acting.

Most games that get remakes don't need them - I have never truly desired for something to be remade more than SA1. It has so much heart and should be able to wow people again. Today's Sonic Team are not the ones capable of doing it justice though

I still really enjoy this game despite its reputation these days and its later impact on the series. After several previous gimmicky attempts SEGA finally brought a real 3D Sonic to the Wii that was as close to PS3/360 counterparts as it could go and that was amazing for me in 2011, I played the hell out of it as a child. It's probably the best looking game on the console, I love the space theme park setting so much. It's really depressing to think this is still the most recent Sonic with entirely original zones and concepts. If the main levels hadn't been cut into sections in development to pad the length, I think it would be more highly regarded today

I have no idea why this is considered "the good one", this is so horribly designed compared to World on PS1 which was a decent little platformer. What happened?? First thing you realise is the view is no longer fixed to the side and you are immediately hit with the worst free camera possibly ever. Initially the levels seem a bit more open, trying to be more like Mario with the metal cap and underwater stuff, or Crash Bandicoot with levels that have you running towards the camera. After the 2nd boss the quality goes down the toilet and you are surrounded by bottomless death pits at all times, either trying to find your way through confusing pitch black mazes or just going down a straight line jumping over more death pits / swimming on rails. Very boring level theming all round. 100%ing this could pass as a form of torture

This has become my 2nd favorite SH game on replay. It has wider variety and exploration of the town than 2 and 3 despite being an early 3D title, and has more terrifying moments and better bosses than 2. It still impresses me despite its age. Should have been the one to get remade so people who complain about old control styles would give it a fair shot because the story and various endings are really cool

I adore the art style of this, the 90s music, the way the characters talk, absolutely immaculate vibes. Still one of the most charming platformers you can play, and a fantastically designed game for PS1 era. Its sequel has much more complex design so after just playing that, the levels were a bit of a cakewalk for me but a very enjoyable one. I preferred the more hardcore boss fights here, the darker tone and quite somber story towards the end.

Created in a lab to specifically appeal to me in every way possible. Golden age Squaresoft RPG with ATB combat system, sci-fi / body horror, cinematic mystery story, cool female protagonist, an evil atmosphere AND a Christmas NYC setting. Not without its flaws but it's such a one of a kind experience. The awesome last bosses are going to stick in my memory. Deserves way more love from SE and their fans! It's only 8-10 hours long so not a big commitment at all.

If you can ignore the comically shallow plot featuring every single trope in the book, there's probably the best gameplay in the series here. After playing through it again and purely focusing on the battles, I had to up my rating to 9/10. I was so skeptical when it was first revealed and I still can't believe how much fun I've had with it.

The engage mechanics bring so many new strategies to the gameplay and there's a huge variety of unique and tightly designed maps with actually FUN gimmicks... The more aggressive bosses provide a serious challenge this time, and difficulties are well implemented. It features the rewind feature from Three Houses but is not entirely designed around it - it was very possible for me to play without ever using it which I find way more satisfying.

This felt so refreshing after 3H which, despite being a game I love, is ugly as sin... Engage's combat animations are the best we've seen yet and the presentation in general is on an entirely different league. It's much more like a 3DS era title being very streamlined but with less social sim elements, which is just what I wanted. Although the music isn't quite as mind blowing it still really moved me. It might be hard to go back to 3H now.

I enjoyed all the callbacks to older games, ones I'm familiar with and ones I'm not - returning characters, areas and remixes of the best themes. It's literally the Sonic Generations of the FE series but I wouldn't exactly recommend it as your first game.